Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Obama's Lowlights (9/17/10)

Arizona Immigration Law – Citizens from around the country have donated 3.6 million dollars to Arizona to fight the federal government’s suit over the legalities of the new law.

Cap and Trade – Many fear that this legislation may be passed during the lame duck session of Congress. However, like many Obama policies, the White House is implementing many provisions silently without going through congress. Obama is using the EPA to enact tougher emission standards. Obama is implementing silent policies in other areas as well. For instance, the FDA is providing more oversight over our foods meanwhile the department of education is implementing Obama’s “Race to the Top” education program.

Toxic Obama Policies – It is interesting to watch some of the campaign strategies by Democrats. They are distancing themselves from Obama and the policies they voted for. I doubt this will fool anyone. Those Democrats who voted against any of the bailouts and entitlements are making sure to educate their constituents of this. Even avid supporters of all prior Obama spending policies, such as Michael Bennet, have come out against Obama’s second stimulus to fix infrastructure problems.

Study – A new study has found a significant decrease in Americans between the ages of 18 and 29 classifying themselves as liberals or Democrats. Remember, this was the age group that Obama won by over a 2 to 1 margin just two years ago.

Higher Education – State governments subsidize public universities with billions of dollars to keep education prices down. However, states are bankrupt and higher education subsidies may be cut dramatically. Higher education can be the next financial bubble the bursts – making education much more expensive.

Campaigning – While most Americans struggle through our current recession, campaign spending is breaking records.

DNCC – The Democratic National Congressional Committee internal polling numbers do not correlate with those numbers being released by polling companies. This is exactly what Republicans ordered – for the Democrats to be in denial.

Harry Reid – He is blaming others for Nevada’s outrageous 14% unemployment rate. He does not believe he is at all culpable for Nevada’s economic situation. How is that for responsible leadership?

Typical White Person – Obama, the man that is suppose to transcend race, has generalized all Caucasians by insinuating that they “are afraid of or do not trust other ethnicities”.

Voter Registration – The Department of Justice is too busy suing Arizona to enforce Section 8 of its Voter Registration Act to remove ineligible voters from state voting rolls.

Mosque Tensions – Tensions, between those wanting the Muslim Culture center being built on ground zero and those against, flared up this past week on the 9th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.

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