Friday, July 29, 2011

Obama's Lowlights (7/29/11)

Poverty - The federal government says that 14% of Americans live in poverty. So here's a list of luxuries that these households retain: 99.6% own a refrigerator; 81.4% own a microwave; 78.3% own an air conditioner; 73% own a car or a truck; 63.7% own cable or satellite television; 54.5% own a cell phone; 53.9% own an Xbox or PlayStation; 48.6% own a coffee maker; 38.2% own a computer; 32.3% own two or more televisions; 31% own two or more cars; and 25% own a dishwasher.

Arizona – Since the government won’t help them Arizona is now accepting donations to build a border fence.

Chuck Schumer – The man behind the Democrat strategy of no budget plan and class warfare exploitation is New York Senator Chuck Schumer.

Jorge Louis Dieppa – He was a U.S. court interpreter in Mexico who was executed by drug cartels when his family could not pay a 10 thousand dollar ransom.
Norway - Terrorists detonated a bomb in downtown Norway last week while an individual linked to the bombing also shot several people at a youth camp outside Oslo. "Last week," the AP reports, "a Norwegian prosecutor filed terror charges against an Iraqi-born cleric for threatening Norwegian politicians with death if he is deported from the Scandinavian country."
Taxes - President Obama has reiterated his call for tax increases as part of a debt limit deal. The liberal-controlled Senate, meanwhile, blocked the Cut, Cup and Balance plan passed by the House. And what’s worse during a town hall meeting Obama complained about his job and made it sound like being President of the U.S. was beneath him and he would prefer being President of the world.
DADT - The AP says "don't ask, don't tell" may officially end soon: "Pentagon chief Leon Panetta has decided to end the ban on gays serving openly in the armed services and certify that repealing the 17-year-old prohibition will not hurt the military's ability to fight, officials said this past week."
Britain - Britain is auctioning off several of its aircraft carriers--and Chinese bidders are taking a keen interest.

School Choice – Advocates for school choice received a major victory when a Manhattan judge ruled that failing schools must close and charter schools must be allowed to share space in public schools. The NAACP and Teachers Union have been trapping kids in failing schools for decades and courts are trying to end that practice.

The Debt Debate – It has been so convoluted I have not been able to keep track of the entire storyline. First, Obama proposed a budget that was nixed 97-0 in the Senate. Now he has nixed a bipartisan bill because he wants tax increases. Obama then went on TV to once again blame Bush for his predicament, push tax increases, and to belittle Republicans. The Republicans have publically proposed 4 plans and the Democrats have still not presented a single plan to the public.

My Book: Is America Dying? (, Barnes and Noble)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Obama's Lowlights (7/26/11)

Bill Clinton – He compared the latest voting proposal by Republicans to the Jim Crowe laws, which discriminated against minorities.

Illegal Aliens – One illegal immigrant was found working in an Arizona nuclear power plant.

Budget – Obama says “Americans are sold on his plan but Congress is dug in ideology”. I am still waiting to see any plan proposed by Democrats made public. In the same speech Obama also proclaimed “raising taxes on the wealthy is not about raising tax revenue, but it is about fairness”.

Europe – Eight banks failed a stress test, Italy has made deep cuts in its budget, and Greece is still looking for a second bailout.

Indiana and Virginia – They finished the 2011 fiscal year with a budget surplus. Thank you governors Mitch Daniels and Bob McDonnell. Indiana and Virginia are two of 12 states that are no longer in the red.

Libya – The U.S. and 29 other nations have recognized the rebels (opposition to Kaddafi) as the official government of Libya.

Sheila Jackson-Lee – The Texas Congresswomen suggests that “Congress is challenging Obama on the debt ceiling because he is black”.

Balanced Budget Amendment – House Republicans brought forth and passed a bill “Cut, Cap and Balance” that would amend the Constitution to force Congress to have a balanced budget. President Obama said he will veto the bill, but Harry Reid killed the bill in the Senate.

Economy – Gold continues to hit record highs as economic indicators continue to be very weak.

Georgia – Police shutdown the lemonade stand of few 14 year old girls because they did not have a permit.

Fast and Furious – Investigations into the failed plan by the DOJ reveals they are protecting government appointees from the White House.

Afghanistan - The Associate Press reports: "Gen. David Petraeus handed over command of the Afghan war to Marine Gen. John Allen last week as the U.S. and its international partners prepare to withdraw over the next few years."

Gas Prices - Gas prices have topped four dollars per gallon in eight states.

Chicago – Newly elected mayor, Rahm Emanuel has laid off 625 city workers to close a massive budget shortfall.

Nevada DMV – They denied a request for a GOPALIN license plate.

Education – A recent study indicated that only 21% of fourth graders, 27% of eighth graders, and 20% of twelfth graders were proficient in both history and geography.

Obama's Lowlights (7/21/11)

Allan Grayson – He’s back. Grayson is running again for the Florida House seat he lost in 2010. This is good news for Republicans because Grayson is the most repulsive politician in U.S. history (and that is saying a lot).

Move On – Michelle Obama displayed her hypocrisy over the fitness program she is pushing on American kids when she ordered a 1700 calorie dinner at a new DC diner.

Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) – IPAB is the Obama administration’s idea to implement rationing of healthcare. When ObamaCare goes into law in 2014, IPAB will decide what medical procedures are necessary and what medical procedures are not.

Christian Lopez – Lopez is an amazing story, he caught the home run that New York Yankee Derek Jeter hit for his 3000 career hit. Lopez did not hold the ball ransom and gave it back to Jeter. The Yankees rewarded Lopez with season tickets and memorabilia. Now the IRS wants to tax Lopez for the gifts he received. This is just another story of how good behavior is penalized and where bad behavior is continually rewarded.

Campaign Contributions – The Democrats continue to receive more campaign finance contributions than the GOP. Obama raised 47 million in the second quarter while all GOP candidate combined raised 39 million (over 18 million was garnered by Romney). The DNC also outdistanced RNC contributions 2 to 1.

Ground Zero Mosque – Imam Faisal Rauf has gotten the okay from the New York legal system to build his New York City mosque at a location a bit further away from ground zero, but he is still seeking federal assistance to fund the building.

Wisconsin – Six Republicans and 3 Democrats face recall elections. The Democrats will need to pick up 3 seats to take over control of the upper house.

Journal of the American Medical Association – They wrote an article stating that obese children should be moved into child protective services (in other words, it is abuse). It is amazing how the vicious cycle of the progressive nanny state works: First, governments have stepped in and reduced physical education, recess time, games kids can play at recess, and have even written the school food menus. But now it is the parents’ fault that their kids are overweight.

Fox News - Congressmen including Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) are calling for an investigation into Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp., which owns Fox News and the Wall Street Journal. Another News Corp. newspaper, Britain’s News of the World, closed over the weekend after its reporters were accused of hacking into phones of politicians, crime victims and others.

Polls - President Obama’s popularity in Arab countries has declined—and is now lower than President George W. Bush’s.

Moody’s and S&P – The rating companies have publicly stated if the U.S. defaults on its loans they will downgrade the rating of U.S. Treasury bonds. This could be significant because it would cost the U.S. more in interest payments to borrow money.

Healthcare – According to the NY Times, during the 2008 campaign, Obama lied to the American public by stating insurance companies would not cover his mother because she had a preexisting condition. Obama’s mother died shortly after that statement. This was obviously done to gain political points for his healthcare reform agenda.

Obama's Lowlights (7/17/11)

Bill Lynn – The Deputy Defense Secretary has decided to step down from his Pentagon post.

Inflation - Bloomberg News reports "President Barack Obama and lawmakers are considering cutting Social Security and increasing revenue by changing the way the government measures inflation."

CNN - In a press release issued this past week, the NAACP blasts CNN for its lack of diversity in its recently announced prime time news lineup. They’re right, in a sense: there are still no conservatives in the lineup.

EPA – They are implementing a new law called the Cross State Air Pollution Rule that will charge coal power plants fees for emissions that cross state lines. I wonder how much it cost to implement a method to measure this absurd policy?

Louisiana – They passed a new law to discourage the hiring of illegal aliens.

David Ploufee – Obama’s senior campaign advisor said that people will not vote in 2012 based on the unemployment rate. I think 9.2% of Americans beg to differ as well as the 5 million folks that fled the workforce and have completely given up on finding a job. Even White House Press Secretary Carney has said Americans do not care about GDP and unemployment statistics.

Gun Control – The Obama administration, once again, will bypass Congress and have the DOJ implement new gun “safety” laws. They are particularly targeting gun shops near the border. What gives the Obama administration any right to regulate gun shops; especially given their record on the “Fast and Furious” project?

NASA – The U.S. space program is now officially dead with the last space shuttle mission in progress.

Light Bulbs – The House is trying to repeal the 2007 Energy Independence and Security Act that will ban incandescent light bulbs next year.

Civility – Republicans are routinely being called terrorists and compared to Nazis by liberal media personalities (i.e. Chris Matthews and Tina Brown) for not raising the debt ceiling.

Nancy Pelosi – Several sources including Time and Politico have written articles about how marginalized Pelosi has been in the debt debate.

TalkingPointsMemo – They actually wrote an article demonizing Paul Ryan for having the gall to drink an expensive wine – you know the guy that wants to destroy entitlements and push granny off a cliff. Maybe liberals can write a law regulating or making expensive wines illegal.

Pakistan – The U.S. suspended 800 million in aid to Pakistan after they denounced the Bin Laden killing.

Debt Ceiling – Obama calls the 76% of Americans who don’t want to raise the debt ceiling as “uninformed”.

Obama's Lowlights (7/14/11)

Affirmative Action – The U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals has issued a ruling stating Michigan’s ban on Affirmative Action is illegal.

Iran – The Wall Street Journal did a piece on how Iran is providing both Iraq and Afghanistan rebels weapons to fight U.S. troops.

Humberto Leal Garcia – Garcia, a Mexican national, was convicted and sentenced to death for the 1995 kidnapping, rape, and murder of a 16 year old Texas girl. The Obama Justice Department pleaded with SCOTUS to get a stay in the execution saying it is a violation of the Vienna Convention and could open the U.S. to retaliation attacks. The execution was carried out as planned this past week.

Fox News – There is an investigation into who hacked their twitter account and posted unconscionable statements such as “Obama is dead”.

U.K. Embassy – England unveiled a statue of Ronald Regan outside the U.S. Embassy in the U.K. Unfortunately, Obama’s ambassador to England was too busy to attend.

Andrew Cuomo – There have been rumors and the NY Post published an article predicting that Obama will drop Joe Biden from the 2012 ticket and replace him with New York governor – Andrew Cuomo.

Fast and Furious – The scandal is spreading to include not only the ATF, but it has been revealed that both the FBI and DEA were also involved in the failed operation.

Fort Hood Shooter – Good news, Major Malik Hassan, the shooter that killed 13 people will face the death penalty when he is put on trial.

Elliot Spitzer – CNN has cancelled his show because the ratings were abysmal.

Debt Ceiling – Republicans are proposing that the Fed burn 1.6 trillion dollars of debt it incurred during its two quantitative easing programs. After all, this is money the government owes to itself. The catch however, will be how the default will affect the global economy.

National Security – U.S. intelligence says that militants are exploring the use of surgically implanted suicide bombs.

California – They are writing legislation that would make it mandatory for social studies classes to teach gay history.

Terrorists – A Somalia terrorist has been extradited to the U.S. and will face trial in a civilian court. He is currently being held on a Navy ship, not Guantanamo.

Tea Party – Gallup and other polling groups have placed the number of Tea Partiers, who are registered Democrats, between 10 to 15%.

Taxis – The District of Columbia is trying to regulate the taxi industry by eliminating the number of cabs on city roads.

Obama's Lowlights (7/9/11)

Economy – The private sector added mere 18 thousand jobs while the unemployment rate increased to 9.2%. And what’s worse the labor force continues to shrink and updated labor numbers for April and May have dropped by 44 thousand jobs.

Planned Parenthood – State and federal cuts in funding to Planned Parenthood will save the taxpayers over 60 million dollars thus far this year.

UN – The United Nations named North Korea as the head chair of the Disarmament Conference.

Businesses – According to CNBC, the best states to start a business are Virginia and Texas. Not surprisingly, the worst states are California and Illinois.

John Conyers – The Michigan Representative had this to say about his new Republican colleagues: “This is the first time that I can remember being confronted by members of the Congress, my colleagues, who say, ‘I don’t care if I get reelected or not, I want to cut the budget by $100 billion or whatever,’” said a bewildered Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.), who was first elected to Congress in 1964. “I’ve never seen that kind of a member before. … It’s a dangerous point of view from my perspective.”

Muslim Brotherhood – The Obama administrations has agreed to establish contact with the Egyptian terrorist organization.

TSA – A Nigerian man slipped passed screeners using an old boarding pass at a California airport.

Polar Bears - U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan ruled that a May 2008 decision by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to place the bear on the endangered species list as threatened because of melting sea ice was rational given the facts and best available science.

Mark Halperin – MSNBC rightfully suspended Halperin for using a derogatory comment to describe Obama. However, MSNBCs suspension policy is not equally applied to those analysts on their network that have used crass language when describing Bush, Palin, or other conservatives.

Republicans - A new Harvard University study finds that July 4th parades energize only Republicans, turn kids into Republicans, and help to boost the GOP turnout of adults on Election Day.

Rolling Stone – Matt Taibbi of Rolling Stone Magazine wrote this about Michelle Bachmann: “Bachmann is a religious zealot whose brain is a raging electrical storm of divine visions and paranoid delusions… Bachmann's entire political career has followed this exact same pattern of God-speaks-directly-to-me fundamentalism mixed with pathological, relentless, conscienceless lying.”

Minnesota – The government is shutting down after talks failed to reach a budget agreement.

Russia - The AP reports, "Russia's defense minister says the military will deploy two army brigades to help protect the nation's interests in the Arctic."

Hugo Chavez - Venezuela's leftist leader Hugo Chavez has been stricken with cancer. He underwent surgery in Cuba this past week.

Obama's Lowlights (7/6/11)

New York – They are the latest state to allow gay marriage.

Sonny Le – The former Census Bureau Spokesman wants to revoke Micelle Malkin’s citizenship.

Dream Act – It seems the White House is circumventing Congress and is implementing the law through an executive memo to ICE.

Diabetes – The percentage of adults with the disease has doubled in the past 30 years.

TSA – They detained a 95 year old woman, who is confined to a wheelchair, for nearly one hour during a search.

Egypt – Egypt’s leader, Shaykh Sa‘id ’Abd-al-’Azim, said in a recent interview that democracy is a "bad, backwards and a retarded idea."

Wisconsin – Passed the right to carry a concealed weapon (Illinois in now the only state that does not have this gun law) and they cut 1 million in funding from Planned Parenthood.

Supreme Court – They struck down a lawsuit that was trying to regulate violent video games. They also rejected to hear an Abu Ghraib lawsuit.

Obama Knows Best – Barack says he will lead more on instinct than on consensus (which he claimed he did the first two years of his administration).

Blagojevich – He was convicted on 17 corruption criminal counts including trying to sell / barter Obama’s Senate seat, wire fraud, and extortion. He will be the second straight Illinois governor to spend time in prison.

Electric Cars – The Norwegian car company, Think, has filed for bankruptcy for a third time.

Vince Cefalu – He is now a former ATF agent after cooperating with the House Oversight Committee about the failed Fast and Furious operation.

Spending – Fifty years ago defense spending was over 3 times larger than entitlement spending. Today, entitlement spending is 2 times larger than our defense budget.

Nuclear Power - Shareholders for the Japanese power utility which failed following the March earthquake and tsunami have voted to maintain the nuclear portion of their operations.

Iran - An Iranian general says that Israeli and top American military bases are now within reach of Iranian rockets.

IMF - French Finance Minister, Christine Lagarde, clinched the top job at the IMF replacing the former head who was charged with sexual assault in New York this past month.

Obama's Lowlights (7/1/11)

ObamaCare - A "new twist" in the Obamacare bill has the Medicare chief actuary up at night worrying, the AP Reports. Social Security income would no longer be counted as income, and up to three million Americans could be added to the already strained Medicare rolls.

Immigration - The Obama Administration has decided to loosen immigration laws within the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency.

Jobs - In a speech at a fundraising event, President Obama claimed that his administration "created 2.1 million private sector jobs."

Abortion - A new book released this week has estimated that 163 million female babies have been aborted by parents looking to have a son.

Pakistan - The AP reports that in a new Pew Center poll, "Pakistanis largely disapprove of the U.S. raid that killed Osama bin Laden, with a majority believing the al-Qaida chief's death is a bad thing."

Chicago – Residents of the city owe approximately 63 thousand dollars while those living in the suburbs owe 31 thousand dollars in taxes to bridge unfunded liabilities the city owes to government workers.

Medicare – A trustee for the program states without significant action the program will be dead by 2024.

HHS and FDA – They have turned their focus on regulating “unhealthy” foods.

Illinois – They are the latest state to consider new laws to restrict collective bargaining rights for unions.

Stimulus II – Many Democrats are still pushing for a second stimulus to revive the struggling economy. I suppose some will never learn from the error of their ways.

Oil Reserves – The White House has decided to tap about 60 million barrels from our oil reserves with the hope it will alleviate gas prices. However, the amount is too small to make any significant impact on gas prices.

Marijuana – Ron Paul and Barney Frank are introducing a bill to legalize marijuana.

Budget Talks – Republicans have walked out of the bipartisan budget talks, at least for the time being. The reason, as Joe Biden puts it, the main objective for Democrats is to increase taxes on the wealthiest Americans.

Tim Geithner – Claims we need to tax small businesses more so the federal government does not shrink.

High Tech – A week after slamming technology (in particular ATMs) for costing Americans jobs, Obama started a 500 million dollar project initiative to spur high tech manufacturing.

Jared Monti – He was a Medal of Honor recipient after bravely giving his life in Afghanistan. But while giving a speech to the 10th Mountain Division at Fort Drum, Obama misspoke by saying Monti came home alive.

Libya – The House rejected two separate resolutions to authorize military action in Libya.

Obama Press Conference – Obama, as usual, blamed Republicans, Oil Companies, and the wealthy for all of America’s problems. I think I heard these talking points before.

Obama's Lowlights (6/26/11)

Economy – The International Monetary Fund reduced its forecast for U.S. GDP growth to 2.5% for 2011 and only 2.7% for 2012.

Transparency – The White House continues to keep meetings with campaign contributors and Wall Street execs off the President’s daily schedule released to the Press.

Maryland – Authorities shut down a lemonade stand run by a few youths and fined them 500 dollars. Half the profits from the business were going to a pediatrics charity.

DOJ – Attorney General, Eric Holder, continues to advocate for civilian trials for suspected terrorists jailed at Guantanamo Bay.

HHS – Health and Human Services has announced it will stop issuing waivers to ObamaCare come September 22nd.

Libya – Reports are surfacing that Obama ignored his top legal aides when he decided to use military force in Libya.

White House Economic Policies – Obama’s Chief of Staff, William Daley, referred to Obama’s regulatory policies as “bureaucratic stuff that is hard to defend”.

Climate Change – The Sea Level Research Group at the University of Colorado has been adding (fudging) 0.3 millimeters per year to sea level calculations.

Taliban – Afghan President, Karzai, claims the U.S. is negotiating with the Taliban. If this is true, it is bad policy to negotiate with drug dealers and terrorists. In other news, the National Journal reports the Taliban is now using children as suicide bombers. Still, Obama will start to scale down the war effort in Afghanistan reducing troop levels by 10,000 this year and removing the troop surge level by September of next year.

Charity – Charitable contributions were back on the rise in 2010 to nearly 300 billion dollars. This is equal to about 2% of U.S. GDP or about 1000 dollars for every man, women, and child. Americans continue to be the most giving country in the world, even in tough times.

New Jersey – Union employees will have to pay higher fees for benefits.

Supreme Court – The high court ruled in favor of Wal-Mart in a sex discrimination suit, blocked a climate change lawsuit, and will not hear the ACORN funding case.

Keith Olbermann – He returned as a TV host last week on Current TV. The show is exactly same as the one he had on MSNBC.

Going Green – White House solar panels, which were promised to be installed by the President, still have not been completed in 9 months.

ObamaCare – A provision in the law would enable people earning more than 3 times the poverty rate to qualify for Medicaid. This could balloon Medicaid payrolls by tens of millions.

Obama's Lowlights (6/23/11)

The Economy – Obama gave a speech in North Carolina this past week where he says he stabilized the economy and added 2 million jobs, but he is still not satisfied. I hope not, unemployment is over 9% and the true rate is probably closer to 15%. In even more disturbing news, Obama held his first briefing with his economic team in over 50 days.

FEMA – Homes destroyed by the Alabama tornados have been deemed safe to live in by FEMA.

Puerto Rico – Obama visited the U.S. territory as yet another political stunt to attract Latino voters. Obama should be worried about the economy and not campaigning. After all, turning around the economy is the only acceptable way to win over voters.

Ethanol – The Senate voted to cut an ethanol subsidy credit.

United Nations – A U.N. report suggests that internet access is a human right.

Libya – House Speaker, John Boehner, has warned the president that he is in violation of the War Powers Resolution if he does not let Congress vote on our military involvement. In fact, 10 house members have a filed a suit against the President for violating the Constitution by going to war without congressional consent. The Obama White House has responded with a letter outlining why they feel they did not violate the War Powers Resolution.

Wisconsin – The state’s Supreme Court has upheld the new state law limiting the collective bargaining power of unions. This ruling reverses a decision made by a lower court that stopped the implementation of the state law.

Housing Market – The current decline in housing prices has reached 33% over the past 5 years. This decline is greater than the 31% decline of the Great Depression.

Operation Fast and Furious – This Obama White House operation is being investigated by the Congressional Oversight committee for the illegal trafficking of thousands of weapons to Mexico, which were used to kill hundreds of people. So far, all of the witnesses are denying who authorized this deadly program.

ATM Machines – Obama used ATM machines as an example of how technology is replacing jobs in the economy as to why the unemployment rate is so high. I agree that technology can replace workers, this has been going on since the industrial revolution, but this has to the worst example to make his point.

Bundlers – Bundlers are people who contribute 50 thousand or more dollars to political campaigns. As it turns out, over 50% of those that contributed 50 thousand dollars or more to Obama’s campaign received jobs in his administration. This is about 4 times higher than the Bush administration.

Google – They are denying giving the Obama campaign special favors such as access to new advertisement programs.

Greece – The country will need a second bailout and as the government is forced to cut social programs citizens are back on the streets protesting.

Extreme Islam – This past week, Lance Corporal Marine reservist Yonathan Melaku was arrested at the Pentagon for a suspicious vehicle left at the site. Melaku had a notebook filled with al-Qaida and Taliban references.

Obama's Lowlights (6/18/11)

ObamaCare – A study by McKinsley Quarterly estimates that 1 in 3 businesses will drop healthcare coverage for their employees for two reasons. First, it will be too costly and secondly, it will cost them a lot less to pay the fine than cover their employees.

GM – CEO Dan Akerson wants the federal government to raise the tax on gas by 50 cents to 1 dollar a gallon so it forces consumers to purchase their expensive hybrid vehicles.

TSA – The house voted to cut 270 million dollars from the TSA budget, which obviously did not go over well with Democrats and union leaders.

Delta Airlines – They welcomed home a group of military personnel, who flew on their airline, with a 2,800 dollar bill for their luggage.

Limos – Apparently the White House fleet of limos has increased by nearly 100% under Obama. This is our hard earned tax dollars at work.

The Economy – More dismal news, first time unemployment claims jumped again this past week.

EPA – Cutting carbon emissions is not enough. The EPA is set to pass laws for corporations to cut sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions. The EPA agues this will save the U.S. billions of dollars in medical costs, but economists also reveal it will cost the U.S. thousands of jobs in the coal business alone. Besides, the EPA should not have the authority to enact laws, under the Constitution, only Congress can enact such laws.

Wisconsin – Union workers picketed Governor Scott Walker’s new anti-collective bargaining law at the states Special Olympics. I have said this many times, it is hard to defend a cause when a group of people try to gain political points by disrespecting other groups of people, especially groups of people that are mutually exclusive from the cause.

Alabama – They are the latest state to sign a bill into a law similar to Arizona’s SB 1070 illegal immigration law. The ACLU is already planning on challenging the law.

Libya – The Financial Times is reporting that the U.S. cost for the conflict is already 274 million over budget.

Bill Clinton – The former President urged Anthony Weiner to resign. This is liberal hypocrisy at its best.

Palin – The liberal press hired volunteers to filter through some 25 thousand emails she sent as governor. Some Politico headlines about the emails indicate she distrusted the media, joked with President Bush, and overall found no bombshells.

The Olympic Torch – This is the latest issue to come under attack by environmentalists who claim the Olympic Torch for the 2012 games in London is not eco-friendly.

Anthony Weiner – The embattled Democrat would have been allowed to earn his salary while he is in sex rehab. Thankfully, he finally resigned.

Obama's Lowlights (6/13/11)

Vivian Schiller – The former NPR CEO, who unjustly fired Juan Williams, has ended up at NBC – No surprise here.

Illegal Aliens – A Houston police officer, Kevin Will, was killed by an illegal alien gang member.

Yemen – Yemen’s president has stepped down after massive protests. The country is the latest to face Arab Spring protests.

Egypt - "Amid the upheavals in Egypt since January, reports have begun to emerge of a surge in disappearances of Christian Coptic girls," the Australian reports.

Debt Ceiling - If lawmakers cannot come to an agreement on the debt ceiling by mid-July, Moody's warns it may downgrade the United States' credit rating.

Hollywood - Hollywood executives have been caught on tape admitting to promoting a liberal bias in the media.

China - The Wall Street Journal reports some troubling news about China. "Google Inc. said Chinese hackers targeted the email accounts of senior U.S. officials and hundreds of other prominent people in a fresh computer attack."

Mandates and Regulation – If you do not like mandates, one report states the obvious: the way to avoid them is to earn less money. This is the new American way.

Peace Activists – Three liberal peace activists were arrested for feeding 40 homeless people in an Orlando Park without a permit. It is ironic when our liberal laws start preventing liberals from participating in their own causes.

The Party of “No” – That would be the Democrats – No plan on how to eliminate debt; no plan for releasing a budget; and no plan on how to create jobs (since the failed stimulus).

The Economy – Obama is now on record for blaming the Japan earthquake, local natural disasters, gas prices, and the European economy for the slow recovery in the U.S. I can only imagine if Bush blamed things like Katrina and gas prices for the recession and how that would have gone over with the media.

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz – The head of the DNC has been busy inserting her foot in her mouth – the latest rant suggests the GOP is dragging the U.S. back to the Jim Crowe era. I just do not understand the continual race analogies set forth by Democrats.

Dan Boren – The Oklahoma Democrat is going to retire and the GOP should win this seat in 2012.

Austan Goolsbee – Obama’s chief economic advisor is calling it quits after failing to turn the recession into a recovery.

Obama's Lowlights (6/7/11)

New Jersey – Governor Christie is pulling the state out of the regional cap and trade program.

Illegal Immigration – The Supreme Court upheld the Arizona Immigration law from 2007, which can punish employers who knowingly hire illegal aliens. This sets a good precedent for the 2010 Arizona Immigration law that is currently being contested by the DOJ.

Michele Rhee – The former head of the DC school system, who is a Democrat, has recently come out praising the GOP voucher system that was recently rescinded by the President.

Patriot Act – The legislation was extended by the Democratic Senate (remember these are the same people that voted against it when Bush was President).

The National Science Foundation – I like science, but why are spending billions to study shrimp running on a treadmill or to build a robot that can fold laundry. These are just a few of the outrageous projects they are working on.

The Budget – We are approaching 800 days since Senate Democrats last passed a budget.

Libya – The house overwhelming passed an order to prohibit ground troops in Libya. And what’s even more disturbing is NATO refuses to provide a timeline for the conflict, however, those timelines were demanded for both the Afghanistan and Iraq wars.

USDA – They spent a few million dollars to replace the food pyramid with a pie chart. I am glad that got cleared up.

Litigation – Texas is trying to adapt a system where the loser pays for the court costs. About time!

Anthony Weiner – The New York Democrat finally admitted he took and sent lewd photos of himself to interns. However, Weiner first lied about the action for the better part of the week before coming clean. And here is the big surprise, he will not resign – typical Democrat.

Greece – The socialistic nation has decided to cut taxes in order to spur economic growth.

Debt Ceiling – The House defeated an Obama backed measure to raise the debt ceiling by 2 trillion dollars with no strings attached – in other words, without any budget cuts.

Economy – The private sector only added 38 thousand new jobs in May. April’s private sector job growth was adjusted from 179 thousand to 177 thousand. Thus, unemployment is up to 9.1 percent. And in another bad sign, auto sales also stalled in May.

Van Jones – He is claiming that Paul Ryan’s budget plan does more damage than what al-Qaeda can ever create.

New York Times – Editor, Bill Keller, is stepping down, but they will replace him with another far left liberal.

Obama's Lowlights (6/1/11)

Education – Here is a look at some of the history questions on the Florida state exam: Analyze the major factors that drove United States imperialism? Examine the controversy surrounding the proliferation of nuclear technology in the United States? Assess key figures and organizations in shaping the Black Power Movement? Analyze significant Supreme Court decisions relating to reproductive rights? Describe efforts by the United States and other world powers to avoid future wars? Examine the failure of the United States to support the League of Nations? These are obviously liberal “leading” questions.

NY-26 – The Left is proclaiming a victory for socialism. First, a 3rd party candidate took 10% of the vote (mostly conservative), secondly the Democratic campaign was nothing more than scare tactics falsely proclaiming the GOP is going to kill Medicare for those who are already on the program, and thirdly the Democrats are too afraid to propose a plan of their own for Medicare (and without a plan, those on Medicare may lose it in the next decade).

Potatoes – The Department of Agriculture is moving to ban white potatoes from school menus.

Milk – The FDA raided an Amish farm that tried to sell unpasteurized milk across state lines.

Health Care – Americans can expect to see an average increase in their insurance premiums of 8.5% next year.

Food Stamps – A Michigan man, who won a 2 million dollar state lottery, is not only collecting food stamps but the state is okay with that.

College Graduates – Eighty-five percent of this year’s graduates will go home to live with their parents.

Goodwin Liu – The Senate blocked his confirmation to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. Some argued Liu (Stanford Law Professor) would have been the most liberal judge in the upper courts.

San Francisco – The city has proposed a bill banning circumcisions.

AARP – The group who represents the nation’s elderly population, and was a big proponent for ObamaCare, recently got a waiver to circumvent the new legislation.

Jesse Lee – He will be the new media director in the White House that will be responsible for responding to and squashing any negative stories about the President. How’s that for transparency and a good use of our tax dollars?

Israel – Got to give props to Netanyahu for repudiating Obama’s 1967 border proposal in a speech in front of Congress.

John Edwards – The former Democratic Presidential candidate will face prosecution for using campaign contributions to cover up an extramarital affair.

Stimulus – The accountability office found companies that owe millions in back taxes received billions in federal stimulus monies.

Jared Loughner – The AP reported that the man who shot Gabrielle Giffords is not competent to stand trial. It is amazing how our system protects criminals.

Budget – The Senate defeated both the Ryan and Obama budget proposals for 2011. Obama’s was defeated 97-0 after Democrats praised it when it was first released.

Obama's Lowlights (5/25/11)

Government workers – Today, there are 22.5 million people that work for local, state, and federal governments. Only 11.5 million people work in manufacturing facilities across the country. In fact, there are more government workers than farming, fishing, forestry, mining, utilities, and manufacturing combined.

Families – One in four American children are raised in single parent households. This is one of the worst rates amongst the top industrialized nations around the globe.

Campaign Contribution Disclosure – The White House wants full disclosure of all company campaign contributions. However, they are against having organizations, such as labor unions, disclosing their campaign contributions. Opponents of this plan are also fearful this information could be used against companies bidding on government projects.

Herb Kohl – The Democratic Senator from Wisconsin will retire in 2012. This is another seat that the GOP is capable of winning.

U.S. Debt – The House GOP introduced a bill to tie government spending with GDP.

Georgia – New governor, Nathan Deal, signed an immigration law that is similar to the Arizona law which is currently being challenged by the DOJ.

Oil – The administration has outlined new restrictive guidelines to start more drilling in the U.S. This is a step in the right direction.

U.S. Debt Ceiling – The U.S. officially reached the debt ceiling this past week.

Guns – A California Judge ruled there is no Constitutional right to carry a handgun in public.

Unions – Ohio’s teacher union has increased due levels to fight the new collective bargaining ban.

Polls – Forty-Four percent of all Pakistanis see bin Laden as a martyr.

The Stimulus – One economist, Tim Conley, from the University of Western Ontario has posted a report citing the Recovery Act killed 1 million private sector jobs. However, it did create or save about 450 thousand government jobs.

The Budget – Bipartisan talks amongst the “Gang of Six” (3 Democrat and 3 Republican Senators) is unraveling. It is reported, that Republican Senator, Tom Coburn has walked away from the bargaining table.

Light Bulbs - Leading light bulb manufacturers have produced LED bulbs to replace the conventional 100-watt light bulbs, which will be removed from shelves in January 2012. The catch: these new light bulbs cost about $50 each.

ObamaCare - National Review Online’s Mona Charen reports on the unprecedented power granted to the Department of Health and Human Services under Obamacare and the suspect abuse of its new powers in playing favorites when it comes to handing out waivers. Meanwhile, the White House has issued another 200 waivers for the newly introduced legislation. This is in addition to the 1100 waivers that have been previously issued. And what’s worse, over 20% of the latest waivers granted where in Nancy Pelosi’s district.

Israel – Palestine – Obama says Israel and Palestine should return to their 1967 borders and eliminate 45 years of history.

Obama's Lowlights (5/18/11)

Hamas - Secretary of State Hillary Clinton refuses to rule out negotiations with Hamas, the terrorist group that rules Gaza and recently mourned the death of Osama bin Laden.

Pakistan - Pakistan's foreign minister has called into question the legality of the operation to kill Osama bin Laden, stating that the US might have breached his country's sovereignty.

UN - Fox News reports, "A United Nations-sponsored report into the causes of a deadly cholera outbreak that ravaged Haiti in the wake of its disastrous 2010 earthquake has discovered a culprit -- the U.N. itself."

ObamaCare - The House GOP are back to work writing legislation to dismantle Obamacare this week.

Offshore Drilling – The House passed a bipartisan bill to make it easier for oil companies to drill off our shores to help combat oil prices. In other news, Democrats in the Senate have a proposal to eliminate 21 billion dollars in tax incentives for oil companies.

Rights of Nature – A liberal group (including Van Jones) is trying to give animals, water, and air the same rights as humans in a court of law.

Bowl Championship Series (BCS) – The Department of Justice has a new target and that is college football’s BCS. They feel the BCS system violates anti-trust laws. Besides, Obama has made it clear he wants to see a playoff system over the current BCS system.

Lifeguards – California lifeguards have retired on million dollar pensions and lived lavishly on 200,000 dollar salaries.

Education – The department of education sent letters to school districts around the country last week reminding them they cannot deny any child an education regardless of their citizenship. This was the result of a 1982 Supreme Court decision (Plyler v. Doe).

Corporations – A new report by the Wall Street Journal showed that the evil CEOs of the top 20 Fortune 500 companies donated more money to the Democrats in 2010 than to Republicans (55% to 45%). I wonder if they still want to repeal the Supreme Court’s “Citizens United” decision?

Guantanamo – In a speech in Paris, France, Attorney General, Eric Holder, vowed that he will still close Gitmo. In other news, there is talk about allowing detainees to have visitors at the detention center.

Ethnic Studies – The battle continues in Tucson, Arizona over whether or not to allow a Mexican-American studies program (La Razza). Much of the material used to teach ethnic studies to 3rd graders is loaded with explicit language.

Immigration Reform – The Obama administration has started to push his amnesty reform legislation again. I guess a budget will have to wait. And the Center for Immigration Studies came out with a report that 57% of all legal and illegal immigrant families use at least one welfare program compared to 39% of native born Americans.

McDonalds – Over 25% of the private sector jobs added in April 2010 were filled by McDonalds. Not sure if this is exactly what the President and Democrats had in mind for economic growth?

Greece – They received a 110 billion dollar bailout by other members of the European Union, but it has failed to work and they are demanding more money.

1984 – Orwell may have been off by 27 years. San Antonio, Texas schools have spent 2 million dollars to install cameras to watch what food and how much food is ingested by each child to record calorie intake.

Obama's Lowlights (5/12/11)

NY-26 – The special election is less than a month away and a fake Tea Party candidate is siphoning away votes from the Republican candidate. Jack Davis has never run as a Republican in the past and endorsed Barak Obama in 2008, but is posing as a Tea Party candidate.

Boeing - Gov. Nikki Haley (R-SC) has written an opinion piece for the Wall Street Journal urging President Obama to comment on his administration's interfering in Boeing operations to force a plant built in Washington State instead of in right-to-work South Carolina.

Bin Laden Death – It is being learned that information gained from enhanced interrogation techniques helped find and subsequently kill Bin Laden. Information obtained from Khalid Sheikh Mohammad (9-11 mastermind) helped to keep CIA agents hot on Bin Laden’s trail. In other news, Obama has decided not to release the photos of Bin Laden’s dead body. So why then did we risk the lives of our Navy Seals if the government is not going to release proof of Bin Laden’s death (but is okay to release photos of American soldiers killed in action)? And what’s worse, the administration has been passing around some fake photos. I can see the conspiracy theories forth coming. Nancy Pelosi, who in 2006, said capturing Bin Laden will not make us any safer, has flipped flopped calling the death of Bin Laden “the most significant development in our fight against al-Qaida”. Finally, al-Qaeda confirmed the death of Osama Bin Laden and has pledged revenge.

Geronimo – Native Americans are seeking an apology from the Obama administration for using the code name “Geronimo” for the Bin Laden raid. Congress is going to investigate the use of Geronimo as a code name – yes, I am serious. It is not as if they have anything more important to work on.

Pakistan – It is obvious that Pakistan harbored Bin Laden who lived a lavish lifestyle just 30 miles from Islamabad. Are they really our allies in the fight on terror? It does not appear so, but it was reported that the Pakistan military knew of the CIA mission.

Canada – Conservatives won a majority in Parliament.

Taxes – A record 51% of American households paid no income taxes or receive a refund in 2010. This is up 10% since Obama took office just 2 years ago. In other news, rumor is that one new tax the Obama administration is considering is taxing people by the mile they drive in their automobiles.

Wisconsin – An effort to recall 2 Republican senators has failed (6 Republican senators will face a recall election this summer) as has an effort to recall the newly elected governor, Scott Walker.

Light Bulbs – The new government standard energy efficient light bulbs emit dangerous poisons that can cause cancer.

Joy Behar – The wacky left winger suggested we should give terrorist book deals (instead of enhanced interrogation techniques) in exchange for information.

The Economy – The private sector added 244 thousand jobs in April (about 20 thousand lower than expected). On the flip side jobless claims are on the rise again and the unemployment rate rose to 9% as more people entered back into the labor force looking for jobs.

Democrat Deficit Plan – The Democrats plan to reduce the deficit is forth coming and it consists of 50% cuts and a 50% increase in taxes to reduce the deficit by 4 trillion dollars over the next decade. Anyone who has read my blog and economic models understands that when taxes are raised on the wealthy it leads to more government spending, less revenue than expected (Laffer Effect), and a massive decline in consumer spending crippling the economy.

Obama's Lowlights (5/5/11)

Osama Bin Laden – Congratulations to Barack Obama and our intelligence team for finding and killing the 9-11 mastermind. This may be the crowning achievement of this administration and I hope they continue to pressure terrorists to keep them on the run.

Labor - In a stunning federal overreach, the Obama-appointed National Labor Relations Board has ruled that Boeing cannot build an assembly line in the right-to-work state of South Carolina, instead mandating it remain in Washington State.

California - In a new contract negotiated by California governor Jerry Brown, prison guards will be able to store unlimited vacation days, opening the possibility of huge payouts come retirement.

Ethics - Eight doctors accused of writing bogus sick notes for teachers participating in Wisconsin protests are now being investigated.

Syria - Syrian security forces have killed at least five hundred people using live ammunition as protests erupted across the Middle Eastern nation after Good Friday afternoon prayers.

The Dollar - The value of the U.S. dollar has hit a two and a half year low as gas prices approach 4 dollars a gallon (average in U.S.).

ObamaCare – The Supreme Court will not expedite a ruling on the legalities of the ObamaCare legislation.

Earl Albert Moore – The Colorado bombing suspect was let out of prison after serving only 7 years of a 15 year sentence.

New York – The health department is trying to regulate games kids play over the summer. Whiffle ball and dodge ball are rated at “significant risk for injury”.

Recalls – This is the new rallying cry for both Democrats and Republicans. There has been a drastic increase in the number of mayors and state legislators that have been recalled this past year. Very few recalls have ousted incumbents, but recall election costs remain a huge burden for local and state governments.

Polls – Despite Democratic and some Republican efforts, the American public is in favor of the Paul Ryan budget plan to reign in our national debt.

Obama Easter – He attended the Church of another pastor who likes to create political conspiracy theories similar to those used by Jeremiah Wright.

Obama Birth Certificate – Obama finally released his birth certificate, so maybe now Republicans can finally move on and discuss real issues.

Department of Defense – Leon Panetta will head the DOD when Robert Gates steps down and General Petraeus will take over the top Pentagon position.

NASDAQ – In good economic news the NASDAQ hit a 10 year high this past week as markets hit a 3 year high.

Massachusetts – Democratic legislators have voted to limit union collective bargaining rights but there were no protests like in Wisconsin.

Economy – The Gross Domestic Product only grew by 1.8% in the first quarter of 2011, much lower than the previous year.

Obama's Lowlights (4/28/11)

Ryan Plan – The Paul Ryan plan to cut 4 to 6 trillion off the deficit in 10 years passed in the house (235 to 193) along party lines.

Tax Day – In honor of tax day last week, here is a breakdown of some tax deductions / exemptions: Tax exclusion for employer contributions to health insurance: $659.4 billion; Deduction for mortgage interest on owner-occupied houses: $484.1 billion; Lower tax rates for dividends and long-term capital gains: $402.9 billion; Tax exclusion of pension contributions (defined-benefit): $303.2 billion; Earned income tax credit: $268.8 billion; State and local tax deductions: $237.3 billion; Exclusion of pension contributions, 401(k)-style: $212.2 billion; Exclusion of capital gains at death: $194 billion; Charitable deductions: $182.4 billion; and Untaxed Social Security and railroad retirement benefits: $173 billion. The “green” tax exemptions are much too complicated to include.

U.S. Treasuries – Standard and Poor has placed a negative rating on the outlook of U.S. treasury bonds.

Rahm Emanuel – He charged people to see him get sworn in as Mayor of Chicago. I guess tax increases are starting immediately.

Futures – The price for a pound of cotton has gone up over 150% in less than year. Gas is up over 100% in 2 years and gold and silver continue to trade at all-time highs.

Eric Holder – The head of the Justice department finally caught up on delinquent taxes he owed on a home he inherited.

Polls – Obama’s approval numbers are below his ratings before the Gabrielle Giffords shooting. Remember, Obama received a 6 point spike following his speech on the Giffords attack. In another poll, it claims 25% of all baby boomers feel they will never receive the opportunity to retire.

Carbon Emissions – The Supreme Court has heard arguments as to whether citizens or the government have the power to force energy companies to curb their carbon emissions.

France – They are clamping down on illegal immigration and turning those away that attempt to enter the country by train.

Department of Energy – The organization has grown 76% (11 billion dollars) over the past 10 years as the government pushes climate change bureaucracy.

TSA – They may be expanding their security role to include train stations as well as airports.

Apple – They were named the least “green” high tech company and Al Gore is on their board of directors.

Gas Prices – With rising gas prices becoming an issue, our bold leader has appointed a task force to look into it.

John Ensign – Democrats such as Rangel and Waters should do what Senator Ensign has done – resigned over ethical violations.

New York City – One in 70 people living in the city spent time living in a homeless shelter in 2010.

Obama's Lowlights (4/21/11)

Israel - Militants in Gaza fired 45 mortars, rockets and missiles at Israel last week. One hit a school bus, critically injuring a boy. Moments earlier, the bus had unloaded the rest of children aboard.

Warrants - According to a ruling from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, border security can seize electronic devices like laptops without a warrant.

Pakistan - A $20 million grant from USAID will pay for a Pakistani version of Sesame Street.

Planned Parenthood - Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-NY) has compared the defunding of Planned Parenthood to Nazi actions during World War II.

Government Shutdown – If the government shutdown, California Representative Linda Sanchez would have demanded a paycheck. Not surprising since she supports welfare – the payment to people for doing nothing.

Chicago Schools – They are forcing kids to eat government served lunches and forbid students from bringing homemade lunches.

Arizona Immigration Law – The U.S. Ninth Circuit Court upheld a ruling by a lower judge that strips the most important provision from SB 1070 legislation.

New Budget – It did not take Obama long to take credit for the largest spending cut in U.S. history. Remember, his proposed budget did not have 40 billion in cuts. And when the budget is increased to such astronomical levels, it should be easy to find 1% to cut.

White House – They reported that Obama regrets his 2006 decision to vote against raising the debt ceiling.

ObamaCare – Missouri Attorney General, Chris Kostner, has joined the Florida suit against the legislation. Kostner is the first Democratic Attorney General to join the suit. Remember, Missouri citizens voted against the legislation by nearly a 3 to 1 margin.

Wisconsin Recall – The aftermath of the new law restricting union bargaining rights has led to both sides pushing to remove their Senators. To date, only 6 of the 33 Senators will face a recall election (3 Democrats and 3 Republicans).

Obama’s Debt Speech – The speech was so boring it caused VP Biden (Obama’s right hand financial wizard) to dose off.

Boston - Fox News reports "Boston Mayor Thomas Menino has banned soda, sports drinks and sweetened ice teas from city property, according to a recent government press release."

New Jersey - New Jersey has spent more than $3 million in clothing allowances for its state workers, according to a new report.

TSA - The parents of a 6-year old girl are speaking out after video of an invasive screening from the TSA agents went viral.

Pay - Despite protests about equal pay from feminist groups, a new study has shown that women between the ages of 22 and 30 make 8 percent more than their male counterparts.

Easter - A Seattle public school has decided to rename Easter eggs to appear more politically correct. Their new name? Spring spheres.

Obama's Lowlights (4/15/11)

Universal Health Care - A former head of Britain's National Health Services died after an operation was canceled four times.

Afghanistan - Ten U.N. staff members were killed in Afghanistan—two by beheading.

Ivory Coast - A civil war underway in the Ivory Coast may be winding down after months of fighting.

Snooki - A star from the reality show Jersey Shore was paid $34,000 to appear at Rutgers University, a state school that has complained about lack of state funding.

Government Shutdown – It has been averted for the time being after a budget compromise was met. However, the battle will continue over raising the debt ceiling over the next month. By the way, the CBO claims the new Budget plan saves 352 Million dollars, not 38 Billion – Boehner was the loser.

Wisconsin – Although the Democrats have won a judicial ruling that has stopped the state from implementing its new law that limits union collective bargaining power, the GOP is not taking the decision lying down.

Obama 2012 – The President has officially launched his 2012 reelection effort.

9/11 Co-Conspirators – After years of waffling the DOJ finally got it right – the 9/11 co-conspirators will be tried in a military tribunal and not in a civilian court.

ObamaCare – A provision that forces companies to file a 1099 Form on all purchases over 600 dollars has been repealed by the Senate.

Yemen - The Obama administration in one breath said it will continue to provide military assistance to the Yemeni government, and in another expressed hope that there would be a swift transition of power amid a wave of anti-regime protests.

Terrorism - The Daily Mail reports, "The Obama administration has been accused of 'rewarding terrorism' after dropping financial sanctions against the former Libyan foreign minister who defected to Britain."

Egypt - YNet reports, "Former International Atomic Energy Agency chief Mohamed ElBaradei, who had previously announced his intentions to run for the presidency of Egypt, said Monday that 'if Israel attacked Gaza we would declare war against the Zionist regime.'"

Gold - The price of gold has reached a record high of $1,450 an ounce.

New York City – They are considering a happy meal toy ban.

ACORN – They have been found guilty of election fraud in Nevada. The defunct group faces a fine.

Obama's Lowlights (4/8/11)

Polls – The last Reuters / IPSOS poll shows that only 17% of Americans feel Obama is good military leader.

Frank Lautenberg – The New Jersey Democratic Senator is on record saying “Republicans don’t deserve Constitutional freedoms”.

Ethiopia - "Thousands of Christians have been displaced in Ethiopia after Muslim extremists torched Churches and homes," Fox News reports.

Israel - The Israeli government is deploying an "Iron Dome" to protect its southern region from rocket attacks from Gaza.

Canada - "Canada's ruling minority Conservatives were toppled in a no-confidence vote Friday with a historic finding of contempt of parliament against the government, paving the way for the fourth election in seven years," the Wall Street Journal reports.

Obama Administration - The White House has stated that the Libya Fight is not a war, but a 'kinetic military action'.

Syria - Violence erupted across Syria as troops opened fire on protesters in several cities. The Syrian government has resigned after a wave of protests.

Illinois – The state has once again raised taxes to deal with its budget shortfall. When will they learn that this will only lead to more people and businesses fleeing the state for greener pastures?

CBS News – Katie Couric is leaving and she will probably be replaced by another liberal such as Scott Pelley.

Illegal Aliens – Obama is on record saying he wants illegal aliens to succeed. Everyone wants them to succeed, but should they succeed here or in their native land is the question.

Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY) - He led a conference call last week with four other Democratic senators, unaware that reporters had already been placed on the call. He instructed these Senators to paint the GOP spending cut plan as "extreme" and insist that Republicans refused to negotiate.

NY Transit - The cash-poor New York Metropolitan Transit Authority is debating reviving the Work Experience Program - which makes the unemployed work for their benefit checks by cleaning the subway.

Libya - The Guardian reports "Hillary Clinton has paved the way for the United States to arm the Libyan rebels by declaring that the recent UN security council resolution relaxed an arms embargo on the country."

Facebook - After a month of protests, Facebook has removed a page meant to organize a third Palestinian intifada against Israel.

AARP – The organization is scheduled to receive nearly 1 billion dollars from Obamacare over the next decade. AARP is also a tax exempt organization. It seems the organization sold out its members to pass this horrible legislation.

DOJ – An investigation into the DOJ handling of the Black Panther case, by the DOJ, found no wrongdoing. Maybe they should have an independent company investigate the case?

The Economy – Unemployment fell to 8.8%, but the labor force continues to shrink as less people are looking for work. Inflation continues to be a chief concern.

Obama's Lowlights (4/1/11)

Ethics – Two Michigan Democrats, Michael McGuinness (Former Democratic Party Chair), and Jason Bauer (Operations Director) have been charged with forgery and other counts for their roles to create fictitious Tea Party Candidates to siphon off votes in key state races.

The Budget – The Congressional Budget Office has revealed that the Obama Budget plan for FY2011 will lead to a debt that is 2.3 trillion dollars worse than the administration claims.

Social Security -More than eight in 10 Americans now see the country’s Social Security system as headed for a crisis, and most think a major overhaul is in order, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.

Wisconsin - A Wisconsin judge issued a temporary restraining order last week blocking the state's new and contentious collective bargaining law from taking effect, raising the possibility that the Legislature may have to vote again to pass the bill.

Huffington Post - Some Huffington Post contributors have gone on strike, and propose taking up collective bargaining.

Libya – So what is the difference between military action in Libya and Iraq? If it is warranted in Libya it was warranted in Iraq since the citizens of both nations were subjected to genocidal tyrants. The daily cost of the Libyan conflict has been 100 million dollars for missiles alone. The Arab League who originally requested the no fly zone has now condemned those efforts once they started. Now a senior White House official claims “It is not on our shoulders how the Libya conflicts turns out”. U.S. efforts in Libya have been turned over to NATO, but reports are also surfacing the U.S. is arming the rebels in the conflict.

Claire McCaskill – The Democratic Senator from Missouri is selling her personal plane to help pay for over 287 thousand dollars she owes in back taxes on the plane.

ObamaCare – Starbucks CEO, Howard Schultz, who was for the new healthcare reform law has changed his mind stating it would be nightmare for businesses. Starbucks provides healthcare coverage to even part time employees.

Oil - During a visit to Brazil this week, President Obama encouraged the nation to drill for oil so that the United States could import it. Domestic drilling permits have been collecting dust for over a year since a moratorium was put in place.

Hugo Chavez - The Leftist leader of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, has suggested that capitalism may have ended life on Mars.

Islam - White House officials have applauded advocacy efforts by the Council on American-Islamic Relations even though they have been associated with the Islamic terror group Hamas, and several of its employees and members have been jailed or expelled for jihadi-related terrorist offenses since 2001. In other news, Senator Dick Durbin's office has begun to hold hearings on Muslims civil rights. They are being held by the Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Human Rights, which Democrats founded this year and that Senator Durbin now chairs. Still, in other news the DOJ is suing a school district that is denying a teacher a 3 week vacation for a Mecca pilgrimage.

Obama's Lowlights (3/25/11)

Obama – “It would be easier to be President of China”. His reason: The Chinese people are not scrutinizing Hu Jintao’s words. In other words, it would be great to lead a nation that does not have freedom of speech. Seriously? I wonder how many Presidents ever made the claim they wished they were President of another nation – None! This truly shows Obama’s negative feelings towards our nation.

Net Neutrality – A House panel has voted down net neutrality which would have included more government interference over internet activities.

Unions – I hear the argument all the time that union leaders did not put a gun to the heads of state legislators to garner their lavish pay and benefits. Let’s face facts; union leaders did not have to – the politicians that unions helped elect with their massive treasure chest simply caved to their outrageous demands.

Gas Prices – Obama is taking credit for the fact that U.S. oil output was at its highest level last year, by 150,000 barrels per day over 2009. But it takes years to ramp up oil production levels hence; it was the policies under Bush, and even Clinton, which are leading to increased oil production. However, the main reasons for the increase in oil production are technological advances by oil companies that have brought about innovative new methods for oil recovery.

Nuclear Energy – The Japan earthquake and subsequent nuclear power plant accident is more fuel for the left to demonize this energy source. What is not being stated is that the Japan nuclear power plant is over 40 years old and some of the reactors were scheduled to be closed this year. Thus, this power plant does not include any current technology and architecture that would prevent accidents when faced by massive natural disasters. This is more reason to build modern nuclear power plants – which could replace outdated nuclear power plants.

Al Qaida – This sounds unbelievable, but the terrorist organization launched a magazine for women!

Maryland – Democratic Governor, Martin O’Malley, is the latest to take on unions to reduce the states billions of dollars in unfunded liabilities.

ObamaCare – Michigan Democratic Senator, Jon Conyers, has admitted that ObamaCare is the first step to a single payer system.

Priorities – Obama has spent more time discussing his NCAA basketball brackets than the Japan tragedy, state fights with unions over debt, the budget, or the protests and fighting going on in Libya and other Arab nations – this past week.

Florida – The state legislator is proposing legislation that will deny state funding for abortions.

Nevada – A new state law proposed by Democrats is trying to outlaw candy being handed out in public places and banning air fresheners.

Food Prices – Food prices soared 3.9% in February, the highest monthly increase since 1974. But the administration argued that lower housing costs will offset the increase in food and gas prices. Now that is a logical argument (Not) – Great news our home value has gone down AND we are broke!

Obama's Lowlights (3/17/11)

Wisconsin – Protestors have cost the state 7.5 million in cleanup costs – this is no way to earn anyone’s respect over any cause.

Ohio – Republicans won a big battle against union’s, and their ability to use collective bargain techniques, in the legislation they passed.

Oil - The price of oil per barrel is at its highest levels since September 2008.

Military Service - Lt. Gen. John Kelly has written a moving piece about his son's death and the importance of recognizing military sacrifice.

Medicare - According to a new report from the Government Accountability Office, nearly 10% of all Medicare payments are fraudulent or improper.

Abortion - A bill requiring women to have a sonogram before an abortion has passed the Texas House.

High Speed Rail – The project in Florida was derailed after a court ruled in favor of Governor Scott over funding.

Oil drilling – 314 days after the Deepwater Horizon accident, the administration finally approved its first drilling permit.

Whirlpool – The corporation paid zero dollars in income tax last year because they claimed over 500 million dollars in Green credits. These green credits carry over and Whirlpool has collected so many they may never have to pay a penny in income tax. This is a scam!

Battleground States – Obama’s approval numbers are significantly lower in battleground states such as Ohio, Nevada, Wisconsin, Missouri, and Minnesota. The reason is simple – these states have seen the largest unemployment increases in the nation.

Gas Prices – Not surprisingly, the media has failed to cover rising gas prices as they did in 2008. From 2/1/2011 through 2/24/2011 gas prices spiked by nearly 27 cents – the highest jump in history over a 23 day period. During a similar period between 2/2008 and 3/2008 oil prices spiked by 20 cents and the media did 73 stories on the problem. Meanwhile, the major networks only did 24 gas price stories last month.

The Deficit – The federal deficit for February was 223 billion dollars – the highest monthly value ever! This is higher than the deficit for the entire 2007 fiscal year.

NPR – Ron Schiller, the president of NPR, was caught on tape calling Tea Party members as racists. I do not know why liberals continually have to categorize, demonize, and generalize groups of people. My liberal friends on Facebook are guilty of this and when I call them out on it they defriend me (great problem solving skills). The good news is that this tape has led directly to the firing / resignation of two NPR executives. NPR also reportedly hid contributions made by the Muslim Brotherhood to the news outlet.

High Schools – The White House is puzzled why so few high schools are requesting Obama to speak at their commencement ceremonies.

Planned Parenthood – The Senate rejected a bill that would defund the controversial organization. No nonprofit public group or organization should receive any federal funding, period.

Obama's Lowlights (3/11/11)

ObamaCare – States and corporations are worried about many of the provisions in the new law and Obama has said he is open to delaying the implementation of certain provisions. Obama also agreed with Mitt Romney saying healthcare is a state issue and the states should decide what is best for their constituents. Is this a ruse or is Obama seeing the error of his ways – that ObamaCare Medicaid provisions will bankrupt the states?

The Economy – The news continues to get better for Obama. Jobless claims are down meanwhile, corporate productivity and profits are up. The economy added 192 thousand jobs in February and unemployment dropped below 9% (8.9%) for the first time in nearly 2 years. Still, Obama’s immediate problem remains job creation and gas prices.

War on Terror – Recently a Saudi National was arrested for planning to carry out attacks against the U.S. Military using weapons of mass destruction.

David Wu – The Washington State Democratic representative is being asked to resign because of unstable behavior. Wu is seeking help for his mental illness.

Jim Moran – The Virginia House Democrat is on record indicating the reason for the 2010 midterm loses is because Americans are racists.

Daniel Akaka – The Hawaiian Democratic Senator is the latest to declare his retirement, although this would be a tough seat for the GOP to pick up.

Numbers – California’s budget deficit has surpassed 25 billion dollars; the taxpayers have funded 160 million dollars in lawyer fees to defend lawsuits for Fannie and Freddie; the federal budget allows for 420 million dollars for public radio; and Blue Shield of California is seeking premium rate increases of nearly 60%.

Syria – New satellite photos reveal they have a uranium plant.

Liberal Attacks – The Democratic Senatorial Committee has a launched a public relations add claiming Scott Brown’s revelations of childhood abuse are a political stunt. In a separate event, an anonymous liberal organization is taking credit for a cyber-attack against the Americans for Prosperity web site.

Libya - As the bloodshed continues, the UN is set to adopt a report praising Libya's human rights record.

Palestine - Activists in Palestinian territories have begun trying to spark their own "Facebook revolution."

Wisconsin - Wisconsin’s teachers are required to teach children about the history of the labor union movement and collective bargaining in the United States. The state senate passed restrictions on union collective bargaining without Democrats who remain in hiding in Illinois.

Green Jobs - A panel has found that a green jobs company endorsed by President Obama and Vice President Biden has squandered $535 million of their "stimulus" funds.

Physical Fitness – The Obama’s fly in their personal trainer, from Chicago, on a weekly basis – of course at the taxpayer’s expense.

Snyder v. Phelps – The Supreme Court ruled in favor of Phelps (Westboro Baptist Church) and protected their right to protest at military funerals. This is the right decision – even though the Church is completely disrespectful.

Eric Holder – His response to the Department of Justice decision of not pursuing the Black Panther election intimidation case – “It demeans my people”.

MSM – They ran an interesting article about Obama’s passive approach to governing stating he has been oblivious to events unfolding around him. They cited rising gas prices, the Deepwater Horizon accident, and even the unrest unfolding in Africa and the Middle East.

Obama's Lowlights (3/4/11)

ObamaCare – It seems the administration is tired of handing out corporate waivers so they have begun to issue statewide waivers: New Jersey, Florida, Tennessee, and Ohio have gotten waivers. In other words, these states do not have to abide by certain provisions in the new law.

The Recovery Act – The stimulus legislation has just turned two years old. What did we get for the 862 billion dollar legislation – Nearly 3 million lost jobs!

Jeff Bingaman – The New Mexico Democratic Senator has announced he is retiring. This is another very winnable seat for the GOP in 2012.

Public Union – A recent poll showed that nearly two-thirds of all Americans feel there is no reason to have public unions. Even 40% of Democrats agreed that public unions should be dissolved.

Obama’s View – Obama denounced Wisconsin Governor, Scott Walker, faster than he denounced Hosni Mubarak in Egypt.

Mexican Border – The government finally admitted that only half the border is secure. And what’s even worse, reports are surfacing that Hezbollah and drug cartels have created a partnership South of our border.

Wisconsin - Two-thirds of the eighth graders in Wisconsin public schools cannot read proficiently according to the U.S. Department of Education. And what is even more troubling is that Wisconsin spends more per student than any other state in the Midwest.

Polls – A Newsweek poll had Obama in a dead heat with Donald Trump (within the margin of error). I find this very hard to believe.

Arab Unrest – Protests in African and Asian Arab nations has caused the price of oil to skyrocket. This is another reason for America to be energy independent.

Israel – Iranian ships have sailed through the Suez Cannel for the first time in decades. Israel has denounced this act claiming it is a provocation against their sovereignty.

Political Sex Scandals – Since 1990, Republicans have been involved in 34 sex scandals and Democrats have been guilty of 27. According to a report Republican scandals usually involve prostitutes whereas Democrat scandals involve harassment and underage participants.

Julian Assange – The Wikileaks CEO is believed to have at least 4 children from 4 different women out of wedlock. Assange has bragged about having kids located all around the globe.

Lockerbie Bombing – A report has surfaced saying Gaddafi ordered the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 that killed 270 people.

DOMA – The Obama administration is flip flopping again by saying the Defense of Marriage Act is unconstitutional – they originally defended the measure.

Egypt – One threat that no one is talking about are the 17,000 Egyptians freed from prison during the recent protests. Hundreds of these prisoners have ties to Islamic extremist organizations including al-Qaida.

Obama's Lowlights (2/25/11)

Credit Cards – The interest rates on credit cards has hit an all-time high of 14.72%. Last year’s credit card reform bill cut out hidden fees, but it did not cap interest rates. Thus, credit card companies are raising interest rates to make up for lost revenue from fee cuts.

Egypt – The Muslim Brotherhood will establish a political party – the real question is how much power they will obtain.

Obama’s Teleprompter – The GOP is looking to defund this item as part of their budget cuts as well as Obama’s 45 czars.

Wisconsin – It is getting ugly in the Badger state as liberals and union members protest proposed benefit cuts by their new governor. This is exactly what happens when people become dependent on government handouts and liberal policies (witness the Greece and Ireland protests).

ObamaCare – During a testimony in Congress, a member of the Congressional Budget Office revealed that the new reform legislation will kill over 800 thousand jobs. Meanwhile, the IRS has hired 1000 new employees to begin implementing phase one of the legislation.

Multiculturalism - French President Nicolas Sarkozy has declared multiculturalism a failure, echoing British Prime Minister David Cameron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel earlier statements.

Environmental Protection agency - Last month, the Obama EPA began enforcing new rules regulating the greenhouse gas emissions from any new or expanded power plants. A few weeks later, an exemption was issued to a firm that simultaneously signed a deal with GE, whose CEO is a close ally of President Obama.

The United Nations -The Obama administration has kicked off a campaign urging the U.S. to "strengthen" the United Nations.

Iran – Following the fall of the Mubarak in Egypt, the White House has been trying to incite the Iranian people to start their own revolution. This is nearly 2 years too late. The White House did nothing to help the protestors in 2009 after Ahmadinejad won a fraudulent election.

Arab Unrest – Protests and violence have broken out in Libya and Morocco.

Jobs – Twenty-three percent of all jobs in the United States requires a state mandated license of some kind. A florist, manicurist, and shampoo provider all must have a license to do their jobs.

Immigration Courts – In many states the wait time for immigration cases is over two years.

The Budget – Obama has submitted a massive 3.73 trillion dollar budget for this year – about a 1.65 trillion dollar deficit (up from 1.3 trillion dollars last year)! Over the next decade the federal budget will account for 46 trillion dollars; which includes 8.7 trillion dollars in new spending. Over the next decade the deficit will be reduced by 1.1 trillion dollars (the debt commission recommended 4 trillion dollars in debt reduction) mainly because the government plans on raising tax revenues by 2 trillion dollars by letting the Bush era tax cuts expire in 2012. Hence, spending is NOT being reduced, instead taxes are being raised.

Obama's Lowlights (2/18/11)

Excuses – The NY Times had an explanation for the bad job growth in January – the weather. The NYT should face facts that job growth has been anemic for the past 2 years and it should going out of its way to make excuses for the President.

Tax Credits – The IRS has reported that over 13,000 people wrongly (fraudulently) claimed some 33 million in electric car tax credits. Apparently the subsidy incentive is only working to create more fraud, not more electric cars on the road.

New START – Obama banned the press from the signing of the nuclear disarmament treaty with Russia.

Fort Hood Massacre – The Senate probe into the event not only pointed out the ineptness of the FBI and military for preventing the event, but also warned against further extreme Islam attacks and the consequences of political correctness.

Democratic National Committee (DNC) – The Republican National Committee debt of 10.5 million dollars has gotten a lot of air time, but has anyone heard that the DNC has a debt of 19 million dollars!

NYC – Mayor Bloomberg is trying to ban smoking outside in city parks and other areas.

Egypt – They rank second in the world in receiving financial aid – including 2 billion annually from the U.S.

Military Service – For the second straight year (2009 and 2010) suicide has killed more service members than fighting in both the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts combined.

Dennis Kucinich – He threatened to sue the Congressional cafeteria for 150 thousand dollars because he bit into an olive pit. He settled for some unknown amount.

The Housing Market – One in nine homes is still unoccupied or about 18.4 million homes – mostly due to foreclosures.

New Jobs – Over half of the jobs lost during the recession paid between 17.50 to 31 dollars per hour. Of the new jobs created in 2010 over three fourths pay between 7.50 and 15 dollars per hour.

The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC) – The FCIC published a report on the financial meltdown even though the committee was not in agreement and it found no smoking gun.

Global Warming – Some climatologists are blaming the Arctic temperatures in the U.S. over the past two years on global warming. They claim warmer arctic temperatures are allowing frigid temperatures to move further south. Of course, other climatologists completely disagree with this hypothesis.

Budget Cuts – Democrats are uniting with lobbyists to fight the 100 billion in proposed budget cuts from the Republicans. The Obama budget has 53 billion for a high speed rail and it also includes more funding to bail out states.

ObamaCare – The administration is funding a comic book to explain the new healthcare overhaul law.

Jim Webb – The Democratic Virginia Senator will not run for reelection in 2012 (one and done). This is a very winnable seat for the GOP

Obama's Lowlights (2/11/11)

The Economy – There has been mostly positive news about the economy and its recovery. However, although unemployment dropped to 9%, its lowest level in 2 years, the economy only added a meager 36,000 jobs. The reason for this is simple; the labor force continues to shrink as more and more people stop looking for work.

Education – According to Reuters, in 2009, only 21% of all high school seniors were proficient or better in science.

Social Security – The Congressional Budget Office projects that social security will officially run out of money by 2037.

Mexico Border – There is more evidence mounting that Muslim extremists have been entering the U.S. from Mexico.

Spain – They may very well be the next European Union member to have a financial collapse. Their unemployment rate is over 20%. And let’s not forget that liberals want the U.S. to emulate their Green Jobs economy.

Planned Parenthood – The organization now offers gift certificates to be purchased for abortions. Meanwhile; recent videos show the organization embracing illegal activity, similar to the ACORN videos released last year. New Jersey Governor, Chris Christy, has stopped funding the group because they are fiscally irresponsible with a 1 billion dollar budget deficit.

Debt Interest – In 2009, the U.S. paid nearly 30 billion dollars a month for the interest on its debt. Compare that to the yearly budget for the Department of Education, which is 45 billion dollars annually. In fact, the monthly interest on our debt can pay for the annual budget of the Labor and EPA departments combined.

Switching Affiliation – Twenty-Five state Democratic legislators have switched over to the GOP in 2010.

GM – While GM sales are down in the U.S., for the first time they sold more cars in China than in the U.S. If GM can gain share in China, there prospects may be very good.

The Post Office – They will be closing another 2000 post offices nationally in an attempt to cut into their 8.5 billion dollars in losses in 2010.

Rachael Maddow – This past week she covered a satire story as factual. Maddow and her staff are so eager to take it to conservatives they will not investigate to verify if a story is legitimate before airing it.

ObamaCare – Aetna is discontinuing its individual healthcare insurance plans because of provisions in the new reform legislation. Those with current Aetna policies will see their coverage discontinued. “So if you like your insurance, you get to keep it” – as the President suggested – is a lie. As of this week, there were 733 waivers given to companies and organizations. Without the waiver, they would no longer be able to provide their employees and their members healthcare insurance.

Global unrest – One reason for all the Muslim protests and revolutions around the globe is not only because they loathe their dictator leadership, but because of the cost of food, which has reached record levels. Higher food prices make the oppressed even poorer.

New Mexico – Governor Susana Martinez has rescinded the state’s sanctuary policy for dealing with illegal immigrants.

Obama's Lowlights (2/4/11)

ObamaCare – Federal Judge, Roger Vinson, ruled the individual mandate is unconstitutional and he claimed the entire law is void.

Enemy Combatants – The administration now believes enemy combatants should be tried using Military Tribunals. This is the right decision, but it is an about face and a campaign promise broken by Obama. I suspect that Guantanamo will remain open.

Spending Reduction Act – The GOP have introduced a bill that will reduce federal spending by 2.1 trillion dollars by 2021.

ObamaCare – Three Senate Democrats Nelson, Cantwell, and Klobuchar have agreed to repeal some portions of the reform legislation. It is not a coincidence that all three Democrats are up for reelection in 2012. However, all three voted against a complete repeal of the legislation.

Unions – In 2010, union membership declined by 612,000. Unions now make up 11.9% of the workforce, down from 12.3% in 2009.

Economic Panel – GE CEO Jeffery Immelt will head the White House’s economic panel. This means there will be a push towards green jobs. Which, of course, this means this is an opportunity for GE to sell more wind turbines and ecofriendly light bulbs.

Anti-War Movement – Where has movement gone? Just asking where all these people have gone since Obama took office.

Abortion – In 2010, 41% of all pregnancies were aborted in New York City. What’s worse, 60% of all African-American pregnancies were aborted.

Foreclosures – In 2010, there were 2.9 million foreclosures up 2% from 2009 and 23% from 2008.

China Banks – In 2010, Chinese banks have provided more loans to businesses in developing countries (over 110 billion dollars) than the World Bank.

2010 Spending – Americans spent a record 462 billion dollars during the 2010 holiday season. However, because of population increases, the per capita spending was not anywhere near a record.

Paul Ryan – Since Wisconsin Representative Paul Ryan gave the rebuttal to Obama’s State of the Union Address; he has been the target of the left who have been trying to smear his name.

DC Voucher Program – Boehner and Lieberman are trying to reinstate the successful program that Obama killed.

Energy Czar – Carol Browner is leaving the White House which is an indication that climate legislation is no longer a priority.

Energy Conservation – The government wants us to use energy efficient light bulbs and to turn off our lights. However, the government buildings for the Department of Labor, Transportation, Commerce, Energy, and Agriculture each cost the taxpayers anywhere from 200,000 dollars to one million dollars each month for electricity bills.

Debt – This year’s U.S. debt is estimated to top 1.5 trillion dollars, which is another record.

Egypt – There is reason to be concerned if an extremist group such as the Muslim Brotherhood takes control. The White House is open to this group playing a part in the new Egypt government, this is scary.

Obama's Lowlights (1/28/11)

Polls - 44% of Americans want stricter gun control laws; 48% of Americans see government as a threat to individual rights; 30,500 dollars is the average annual federal spending per American household in 2010; 68% of Americans think the government should reduce the federal payroll by 10%; 39% feel the government currently operates within the established limits of the Constitution – 44% disagree; and 51% of Americans feel the government is doing too much to solve our economic problems – 39% think the government is not doing enough. Nearly 60% of Americans believe that heated political rhetoric had no influence on the Arizona Massacre. Only a third believed the attack was influenced by political rhetoric.

Welfare – Since 1962 the population in the United States has grown by roughly 75%, but our dependence on government handouts has increased by nearly 1500%!

NPR – Congress is pushing to defund NPR because they violated the first amendment rights of Juan Williams whom they fired.

Mexico Border – Obama has withdrawn support for a “virtual fence” to protect our border.

USDA – They have announced plans to provide dinners to 150,000 children nationally. Most poor children also receive free or cheap lunches at schools. Meanwhile, the city of Houston has prohibited a group of people from feeding the homeless because they do not have a permit.

Economy – The foreclosure rate dropped by 21% in November due to questionable bank practices. Consumer credit grew a mere 1.3 billion dollars and remains at 2.4 trillion dollars. Most banks that trade in U.S. Treasuries have dropped their holdings to 2.3 billion from 81 billion dollars. Federal tax receipts are up dramatically in the fourth quarter (9% over the previous year). This is sign that personal wages and income are on the rise.

Only in America – More people watched the series opening of Jersey Shore on MTV than watch the nightly news on ABC, NBC, or CBS.

Only in California – The city of Berkeley California is considering having taxpayers cover sex change operations.

Cuba – The White House has eased restrictions on Cuba.

John Edwards – He is being investigated to see if he improperly used campaign contributions to cover up his affair.

Kent Conrad – The North Dakota Senator will retire after his term finishes in 2012. This is a very winnable seat for the GOP.

Mexico Border Fence – Cameras have shown the border fence is not stopping illegal immigrants. It took 2 middle aged women under 15 seconds to climb the fence into Texas. The fence needs to be much more secure than that.

Olbermann – He is done at MSNBC, but I am sure they will replace him with another left wing zealot.

Obama's Lowlights (1/21/11)

The Constitution – I read the Constitution at the beginning of every year. So why are liberal pundits and politicians continuing to make a big fuss over the Republicans reading the Constitution out loud to start the 112th Congress? This is something ALL Americans should do each year!

ObamaCare – The administration continues to use taxpayer dollars to take over internet search engines which are painting a rosy picture for the legislation. The House passed repeal of ObamaCare by a 245 to 189 margin.

NPR – After an investigation into the Juan Williams firing, a top executive at NRP resigns (Ellen Weiss). They also were giddy that Tucson shooter Loughner was white and not a person of color. This proves NPR is a biased news station.

Mexico Border – The illegal immigrant issue is causing an environmental trash problem along the border.

Jared Loughner – As the Left continues to play the political blame game, it has been revealed that Loughner was a 9/11 Truther. And the more we learn about Loughner, the more we see that the warning signs were missed. This is the same story in all these senseless massacres.

First Amendment – Democrats want to make any threats against federal employees a federal offense.

Car Sales – Last year the sales for midsize and SUV vehicles rose 41% while sales for hybrid and electric cars went down 2%.

Afghanistan – US armed forces are introducing the latest drones into the fight against terror. The new drones can track all people movements in a small town.

Bankruptcy – The number of people filing for bankruptcy in 2010 was up 9% (over 1.5 million people). Bankruptcy claims have been rising steadily since 2005 and they are expected to go higher in 2011.

Commodities – The price for commodities such as corn, wheat, cotton, silver, and coffee doubled this past year. Is this a sign that hyperinflation is just around corner? Or is it just a massive influx of money into these markets? We’ll see.

Harry Reid – “The Tea Party will disappear when the economy recovers”. This is wishful but misguided thinking.

WikiLeaks – It is believe Julian Assange is going to dump confidential documents he obtained from Bank of America.

North Korea – Defense Secretary, Robert Gates, believes North Korea could have intercontinental ballistic missiles within five years.

Civility – The Left continues to insist they are the party of civility, but Sarah Palin has received dozens of death threats after the media blamed her for the Arizona shooting.

Eric Fuller – A Tucson shooting victim has been arrested for death threats against Tea Party members.

Obama's Lowlights (1/14/11)

Gifford’s Shooting – Unfortunately, this tragedy is being made worse by liberals wanting to blame right leaning pundits and politicians. The bottom line is that violence is never the answer and criminals need be to be held accountable for their actions. Blaming others is not going solve anything.

ObamaCare – House Republicans put forth a vote to repeal ObamaCare this week.

Birthrights – Fourteen states may challenge the fourteenth amendment which provides citizenship to the children of illegal aliens.

NY Snow Storm – The poor response by city workers to clear snow during the holiday winter storm was because city workers were protesting on behalf of their union’s request. Apparently they are upset with recent budget cuts.

New START – Obama’s nuclear disarmament treaty with Russia (passed the Senate 71-29) is being scrutinized by Russia’s Duma and they are seeking to change much of the language in the treaty.

Debt – For the first time in our national history the debt level has gone over 14 trillion dollars. This is nearly 100% of GDP – In other words; our national debt level is equal to the annual size of the U.S. economy!

Pelosi – Here’s a great quote: “If all Americans liked their healthcare we would still have taken it over”.

Chief of Staff – Rahm Emanuel will be replaced by another Chicago insider Bill Daley. Daley is expected to be more corporate friendly, but Daley did have ties to Fannie Mae.

Obama Hypocrisy – Obama chastised Bush for placing a “signing statement” on bills – he called it unconstitutional. Obama is considering using the same technique on a war funding bill. Also, in 2006, Obama voted against raising the debt ceiling, today he is encouraging Congress to increase our debt level.

Robert Gibbs – The White House Press Secretary will leave his post in February. I, for one, will be sad to see him go. He was the perfect poster child for the inept Obama administration. Gibbs is a gaffe machine and could challenge VP Biden for the number of incoherent statements made by this administration.

Filibuster – Democrats are trying to change the Senate super majority rule. In other words, instead of the Senate having to obtain 60 votes to pass major bills, they will only need 51 votes. If Democrats get their way, they must remember what comes around goes around - Someday Republicans will have majorities and take advantage of this rule.

Modest Pay – Obama says everyone making over 250 thousand dollars is rich and should pay more in taxes. But when Robert Gibbs announced he was leaving, Obama claimed it was understandable since he was only earning a modest salary of 173 thousand dollars. If 173K is modest, then how is 250K rich?

Economy – Good news for Obama, unemployment dropped from 9.8% to 9.4%. This is certainly an encouraging trend, but there is a long way to go until the economy is back at full employment levels. The economy only added 103 thousand jobs, which is a modest gain. Hence, it is surprising the unemployment rate fell 0.4%