Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Obama's Lowlights (10/24/09)

Obama remains in campaign mode blaming and pointing the finger at everyone else for his problems. Bush, Republicans, Fox News, Private Insurance Companies, and others have all been the brunt of Obama’s misplaced aggression this past week. This attitude will make Obama the most divisive and polarizing president in U.S. history. It will also make him the most paranoid president since Nixon.

Afghanistan – American Soldiers continue to die as Obama continues to be indecisive about what strategy to employ. A Commander-in-Chief needs to be able to make quick, and bold decisions about national defense and Obama has shown he does not have the fortitude to be an effective leader. A good president appoints competent men to advise him and then accept their strategies and plans. Defense Secretary Robert Gates and General Petraeus have proven to be competent. Obama hired General Stanley McCrystal and refuses to heed his advice, but instead is listening to the likes of Joe Biden – who has been wrong on how to handle the Iraq situation. It is mystery as to what Obama is thinking. The man who claimed he would fight this “good war” and hunt down Osama Bin Laden continues to waffle.

Russia – What did Obama get from Russia for giving up United States’ plans to build a defense missile base in Eastern Europe? Nothing! Hillary Clinton visited Russia to try to get more sanctions on Iran, and Russia told her absolutely not! Obama’s apologies and great speeches do not seem to have any effect on Russia. Now, that may surprise some very naïve people, but it certainly will not surprise anyone who has witnessed World history the past century.

Anita Dunn – The White House Communications Director has also been exposed. Dunn, who has recently gone after Fox News, has been shown in a June speech she gave to high school students claiming her two favorite philosophers are Mao Tse-tung and Mother Teresa. Mao Tse-tung is credited with killing over 70 million people. How many socialists / communists are in the White House administration?

Joe Biden – The past few weeks Biden was proclaiming the stimulus a success saying it saved and created a million jobs. He further said the stimulus saved the American economy from a completely imploding. This week, Biden now claims the U.S. economy is not in a recession, but it is indeed in a depression. So which Biden do we believe; the optimist or the pessimist? It is probably somewhere between the two extremes hailed by the obviously confused and discombobulated Biden.

ObamaCare – The largest denier of health benefits is not private insurance companies, but government run Medicare. Beware of ObamaCare! Another blow to health care reform came when the Senate voted down the “Doctor Fix” bill this week, which was a proposed 250 billion dollar extension to ObamaCare.

The Pay Czar – Ken Feinberg, the pay czar, forced Citigroup to sell a profitable business unit to avoid paying one of its employees a 100 million dollar bonus. It makes no sense for the government to force a struggling company to sell off a profitable unit. This is a classic example of big government destroying capitalism.

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