Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Obama's Lowlights (11/19/10)

Ahmed Ghailani – So how does a guy who is found guilty of conspiracy of bombing the African embassies found innocent of murder? Would that be an acceptable outcome for Khalid Sheikh Muhammed, the mastermind of 9-11? The DOJ is failing.

The Debt Commission – The committee came out with their report on how to reduce our growing deficit. A few conservative ideas such as eliminating earmarks, federal salary freezes, eliminating federal jobs, medical malpractice reform, and tax cuts made the grade. The report also indicates increasing the age for social security as well as changing the formula for calculating social security benefits. A 15 cent tax on a gallon of gas was also recommended by the commission.

Polls – According to Rasmussen 58% of American Arabs are against building a mosque at ground zero. Another poll cites that 61% of Americans still want to repeal ObamaCare. 75% of Americans prefer free-market over government managed economies and finally, it is estimated that the government has spent nearly 15 million dollars on stimulus signs.

Keith Olbermann – He was suspended without pay by MSNBC for contributing to political campaigns. I may think Olbermann is misguided but he should be allowed to contribute his hard earned dollars to any cause he sees fit. The suspension merely lasted a few days and Olbermann is back on the air spewing his drivel.

Obama Communication – The President claims the midterm election debacle was due to his inability to better explain healthcare and other social policies he passed. The fact is Obama gave dozens of speeches on healthcare and the administration spent millions in taxpayer dollars trying to sell their policies: Recovery act construction signs and even Andy Griffith commercials on healthcare reform. What do you think the media’s response would have been if Bush tried to advertise for privatizing social security on TV using taxpayer money?

ObamaCare – Women’s contraception could be sold for free under the new law. Last year 93 million prescriptions for contraceptives were filled.

Corporate Campaign Finance – According to the Washington Post corporations gave more money to Democrats than Republicans (53% to 35%) for the 2010 midterm. Maybe all those anti Citizens United liberals will change their tune.

Employment – More than 17 million Americans (more than 10% of the U.S. workforce) with college educations are working jobs that do not require a college education.

Credit Card Companies – They paid 83 million to colleges in exchange for the contact information on their students.

Illinois Politics – Republican, Mark Kirk, recently won Obama’s old Illinois Senate seat. He was to be seated immediately and replace Roland Burris. However, the paper work is moving slowly and preventing Kirk from sitting in the lame duck session. Democrats do not want another Republican who can block their lame duck agenda. However, newly elected Democrats Manchin (West Virginia) and Coons (Delaware) have already been sworn in.

Joe Manchin – The recently elected Democratic Senator from West Virginia is being wooed by Republicans to switch parties. Manchin’s campaign was successful because he distanced himself from Obama policies. One commercial shows Manchin shooting a bullet through the cap and trade bill.

Government Transparency – Joe Biden held a closed door meeting to discuss improving government transparency.

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