Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Obama's Lowlights (3/17/11)

Wisconsin – Protestors have cost the state 7.5 million in cleanup costs – this is no way to earn anyone’s respect over any cause.

Ohio – Republicans won a big battle against union’s, and their ability to use collective bargain techniques, in the legislation they passed.

Oil - The price of oil per barrel is at its highest levels since September 2008.

Military Service - Lt. Gen. John Kelly has written a moving piece about his son's death and the importance of recognizing military sacrifice.

Medicare - According to a new report from the Government Accountability Office, nearly 10% of all Medicare payments are fraudulent or improper.

Abortion - A bill requiring women to have a sonogram before an abortion has passed the Texas House.

High Speed Rail – The project in Florida was derailed after a court ruled in favor of Governor Scott over funding.

Oil drilling – 314 days after the Deepwater Horizon accident, the administration finally approved its first drilling permit.

Whirlpool – The corporation paid zero dollars in income tax last year because they claimed over 500 million dollars in Green credits. These green credits carry over and Whirlpool has collected so many they may never have to pay a penny in income tax. This is a scam!

Battleground States – Obama’s approval numbers are significantly lower in battleground states such as Ohio, Nevada, Wisconsin, Missouri, and Minnesota. The reason is simple – these states have seen the largest unemployment increases in the nation.

Gas Prices – Not surprisingly, the media has failed to cover rising gas prices as they did in 2008. From 2/1/2011 through 2/24/2011 gas prices spiked by nearly 27 cents – the highest jump in history over a 23 day period. During a similar period between 2/2008 and 3/2008 oil prices spiked by 20 cents and the media did 73 stories on the problem. Meanwhile, the major networks only did 24 gas price stories last month.

The Deficit – The federal deficit for February was 223 billion dollars – the highest monthly value ever! This is higher than the deficit for the entire 2007 fiscal year.

NPR – Ron Schiller, the president of NPR, was caught on tape calling Tea Party members as racists. I do not know why liberals continually have to categorize, demonize, and generalize groups of people. My liberal friends on Facebook are guilty of this and when I call them out on it they defriend me (great problem solving skills). The good news is that this tape has led directly to the firing / resignation of two NPR executives. NPR also reportedly hid contributions made by the Muslim Brotherhood to the news outlet.

High Schools – The White House is puzzled why so few high schools are requesting Obama to speak at their commencement ceremonies.

Planned Parenthood – The Senate rejected a bill that would defund the controversial organization. No nonprofit public group or organization should receive any federal funding, period.

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