Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Obama's Lowlights (3/11/11)

ObamaCare – States and corporations are worried about many of the provisions in the new law and Obama has said he is open to delaying the implementation of certain provisions. Obama also agreed with Mitt Romney saying healthcare is a state issue and the states should decide what is best for their constituents. Is this a ruse or is Obama seeing the error of his ways – that ObamaCare Medicaid provisions will bankrupt the states?

The Economy – The news continues to get better for Obama. Jobless claims are down meanwhile, corporate productivity and profits are up. The economy added 192 thousand jobs in February and unemployment dropped below 9% (8.9%) for the first time in nearly 2 years. Still, Obama’s immediate problem remains job creation and gas prices.

War on Terror – Recently a Saudi National was arrested for planning to carry out attacks against the U.S. Military using weapons of mass destruction.

David Wu – The Washington State Democratic representative is being asked to resign because of unstable behavior. Wu is seeking help for his mental illness.

Jim Moran – The Virginia House Democrat is on record indicating the reason for the 2010 midterm loses is because Americans are racists.

Daniel Akaka – The Hawaiian Democratic Senator is the latest to declare his retirement, although this would be a tough seat for the GOP to pick up.

Numbers – California’s budget deficit has surpassed 25 billion dollars; the taxpayers have funded 160 million dollars in lawyer fees to defend lawsuits for Fannie and Freddie; the federal budget allows for 420 million dollars for public radio; and Blue Shield of California is seeking premium rate increases of nearly 60%.

Syria – New satellite photos reveal they have a uranium plant.

Liberal Attacks – The Democratic Senatorial Committee has a launched a public relations add claiming Scott Brown’s revelations of childhood abuse are a political stunt. In a separate event, an anonymous liberal organization is taking credit for a cyber-attack against the Americans for Prosperity web site.

Libya - As the bloodshed continues, the UN is set to adopt a report praising Libya's human rights record.

Palestine - Activists in Palestinian territories have begun trying to spark their own "Facebook revolution."

Wisconsin - Wisconsin’s teachers are required to teach children about the history of the labor union movement and collective bargaining in the United States. The state senate passed restrictions on union collective bargaining without Democrats who remain in hiding in Illinois.

Green Jobs - A panel has found that a green jobs company endorsed by President Obama and Vice President Biden has squandered $535 million of their "stimulus" funds.

Physical Fitness – The Obama’s fly in their personal trainer, from Chicago, on a weekly basis – of course at the taxpayer’s expense.

Snyder v. Phelps – The Supreme Court ruled in favor of Phelps (Westboro Baptist Church) and protected their right to protest at military funerals. This is the right decision – even though the Church is completely disrespectful.

Eric Holder – His response to the Department of Justice decision of not pursuing the Black Panther election intimidation case – “It demeans my people”.

MSM – They ran an interesting article about Obama’s passive approach to governing stating he has been oblivious to events unfolding around him. They cited rising gas prices, the Deepwater Horizon accident, and even the unrest unfolding in Africa and the Middle East.

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