Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Obama's Lowlights (1/2/10)

ObamaCare – Now that the Senate bill has passed, the next step is to combine both the House and Senate bills. This may be easier said than done since both bills are vastly different and complicated. Both bills are around 5,000 pages when combined. This will be by far the most partisan passed entitlement in the history of the United States. In fact, Harry Reid was bragging about all the political deals in the bill. He actually stated that this is what health care reform is all about, finding the middle ground to get all of his constituents on board. The Democrats are undoubtedly living in some fantasy land to think this monstrosity of a bill is deficit neutral, legal, and will save Medicare for 10 more years. Apparently, they have read the Bernie Madoff and Ken Lay book on “Practical Accounting and Financial Methods to Deceive Investors” instead of “Accounting for Dummies”.
North Korea – Apparently since Kim Jong Il has been avoiding Obama’s phone calls, he wrote him a letter. Not surprising, but the radical leader continues to ignore Obama’s overtures of talks over their nuclear ambitions. In fact, a plane carrying a weapons cache from North Korea headed to Iran was seized while refueling in Sri Lanka. When is Obama going to realize that his soft talk towards both North Korea and Iran will not work?

Iran – Another Obama deadline to Iran to comply with global concerns over their nuclear program has come and gone without any repercussions. The White House strategy would be to undoubtedly set another deadline that the Iranians can ignore. Iran’s real issue is with nationals protesting the Ahmadinejad regime. Unfortunately, Obama will not throw his support behind this group of people, which may be our only chance to stop there nuclear threat without American military force.

Gay Marriage – The local government of the District of Columbia has passed gay marriage. When will these local governments and courts finally realize it should be the people of their jurisdictions deciding these issues and not them?

Shift in Power – The GOP needs to win 41 seats in 2010 to shift the power of the House. Well, they just earned their first seat when Alabama freshman congressman, Parker Griffith switched parties. Thus, the GOP now needs to win 40 seats to regain power. This is probably not a huge surprise since Griffith has voted against every big spending bill proposed by the Democrats including the Recovery Act, Cap and Trade, and ObamaCare.

Filibuster – After seeing the Republicans stall tactics on ObamaCare, Obama would like to do away with the Filibuster. That is convenient now that he and Democrats are in power.

Debt Ceiling – The debt ceiling was raised by Congress another 300 billion dollars to 12.1 trillion to help accommodate the lavish liberal spending spree.

Terrorism – A Nigerian Muslim tried to take down an American Liner on Christmas. We will see how good the Obama terrorism defense works. Amazingly, he was right to immediately call this an act of terrorism, however has yet to admit the Fort Hood Shooting to be an act of terrorism. The first mistake of the Obama administration is to have the FBI and not the CIA interrogate this terrorist.

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