Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Obama's Lowlights (3/12/10)

Climate Change – Scientists supporting global warming are calling for a “do over” after a scandal revealed some scientists were fudging data to support their claims. Now they want to start over, but this time have more transparency to avoid the same fiasco. It will be hard for this fuzzy science faction to regain the trust of Americans.

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac – Surprise, surprise! These government run organizations are seeking another 15 billion in taxpayer bailouts. While other private sector financial companies are turning the corner, Fannie and Freddie continue to go further into debt.

General Motors – Like Toyota, they too have recalled 1.3 million cars (faulty steering) this past month. It will be interesting to see if there is a congressional witch hunt over GM’s safety as there was with Toyota. There is no question that the United States is using Toyota’s woes to bolster the American car industry. However, one thing that congressional members seem to forget is that there are several Toyota manufacturing plants in the United States, and they have not laid off a single worker in this recession. Hopefully, their witch hunt will not cost other Americans their jobs.

Harry Reid – Desperate to swing poll numbers in his direction, a few weeks back President Obama visited Nevada to campaign for him. The result has been an even further drop in Reid’s poll numbers. The lesson to be learned from this: liberal incumbents need to distance themselves from Obama.

A Welfare Nation – For the first time since the Great Depression Americans have taken more money from government social programs than what was paid in taxes. And while this recession is bad, it is not nearly as bad as the Great Depression.

The Economy – The unemployment rate is holding at 9.7% after the economy shed another 36,000 jobs in February. Although this is more bad news, the White House still remains optimistic the economy will start adding jobs in the near future.

Eric Massa – The Democratic congressman from New York resigned after it had been reported he has been sexually harassing a male staffer. Massa is married with two children and this is his first term. Massa was wrong, but it is becoming clear that Massa is being forced out by Democrats because he does not support ObamaCare. That is why Rangel, whose crimes are much more serious, is not being forced to resign.

Department of Justice (DOJ) – They refuse to name which lawyers working for the DOJ have represented enemy combatants at Guantanamo. If they think these terrorists deserve more rights then it makes little sense why they would cover up this information.

Ways and Means Chair – After Charlie Rangel was forced to step down following the ongoing investigation into a plethora of violations, Pete Stark was picked to replace Rangel. Stark lasted 24 hours and was replaced by Sander Levin after the shaky past of Stark came to light. The Democrats are really starting to have an ethics problem as the 2010 mid terms approach.

ObamaCare – Obama is traveling the country trying to sell his health care reform and is quoted by saying “it has the best ideas from both Democrats and Republicans”. Now that is really stretching the truth. Apparently, students love the new plan because it allows them to stay on their parent’s insurance plans until age 26. Will this teach our youth personal responsibility, or will it teach them how to be slackers or dead beats? And finally, let’s remember that only 30% of 2010 voters favor this legislation.

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