Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Obama's Lowlights (7/9/10)

Oil Spill – The federal government response may have been incompetent with one exception: the IRS. The IRS is on the scene making sure anyone receiving BP bailout money pays their taxes. In other words, the federal government wants it share of the BP payout meaning they are not overly concerned about the clean up effort. Ten weeks into the spill and Obama finally accepts foreign aid. If he decided to accept aid at this juncture, he certainly could have accepted it many weeks earlier. Still, Obama has not lifted the Jones Act that would give foreign ships access to coastal waters to help with the clean up effort.

Al Gore – More uncorroborated stories of Gore’s sexual behavior are beginning to surface. None of this is surprising. After all, he had a great mentor and there is no question his ego and financial power are too big to keep in check.

Disclosure Act – This bill recently passed the house. It is the Democrats response to the Supreme Court’s recent decision to allow corporations and organizations unlimited campaign donations. The Disclosure Act restricts certain businesses and their campaign contributions, but not organizations such as unions. Of course unions are pro liberal while corporations are pro conservative so this should not surprise anyone. This means the United Auto Workers union (UAW) will have more political influence than General Motors. That’s fair, right?

Joe Biden – When a small business owner asked Biden to help lower his business taxes, Biden called him a “smartass”.

Census – Managers of the program where fired after it was discovered they falsified over 10,000 questionnaires.

Gun Rights – The Supreme Court (McDonald v. Chicago) upheld the second amendment saying that states could not place ridiculous regulations and restrictions on people’s rights to bear arms.

Afghanistan – Millions of dollars of funding to Afghanistan is indirectly going to the Taliban.

Immigration – The DOJ has finally filed a suit against Arizona and their immigration law. Interestingly, the suit makes no mention of civil rights or profiling violations. The town of Freemont, Nebraska passes immigration reform to crackdown on an estimated 2 thousand illegal aliens working in meat packing plants.

G20 – At the conference Obama urged countries to increase their deficit spending to fight the recession, but other countries denounced Obama by agreeing to cut their budgets to get their massive debts under control.

ObamaCare – The CBO estimates that at least 4 million Americans will pay the Mandate fine when the legislation becomes law. My former employer sent out a flyer on ObamaCare and they claimed “Health insurance premiums will go up”.

Economy – The economy shed 125,000 jobs and unemployment dropped to 9.5% as 650,000 Americans have given up looking for work. Since the latest round of unemployment benefits failed to pass, the Democrats are using this as a campaign tool for the 2010 midterm election. Since Democrats need to figure out how to get unemployed Americans to vote for them, they are blaming Republicans. By claiming Republicans ended their nearly 2 year run on unemployment, they should vote for Democrats who will approve further unemployment benefits for them.

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