Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Obama's Lowlights (8/31/11)

Jobs – According to the Gallup Jobs Index, the states that are the best at producing jobs are conservative leaning (7 of the top 10) meanwhile, states that are the worst at producing jobs are liberal leaning (9 of 10).

Obamacare – The administration continues to hand out 3 year waivers to nullify certain provisions within the new healthcare law. The number of waivers is approaching 1,500.

Civil Discourse – NY Times guest columnist, Kurt Andersen, called Tea Partiers “a disease”. Maxine Waters said “Tea Partiers can go straight to hell”. This is from the Party that claims to promote civil discourse.

PETA – They will launch a pornographic web site that will not only have adult sexual content, but will also include graphic images of animal abuses and mistreatment.

Social Security – The disability program within social security is pushing the program towards insolvency. Applications for the disability program are up 50% over the past decade.

Romney – Reports indicate that 67 Wall Street donors, who supported Obama in 2008, are now backing Mitt Romney.

Biden – In a trip to China, Biden openly supported their one child system. Once again, the White House had to clarify Biden’s comments and urged the public that Obama strongly opposes the China policy.

Sheila Jackson-Lee – I did not fact check this, but would not be surprised if it is true. The Texas Congresswoman is unhappy that Hurricane names sound Caucasian and would also like for meteorologists to broadcast weather reports in a language that is understandable to street people. Jackson-Lee claims that this was the reason why many in New Orleans failed to leave the city before Hurricane Katrina hit the city.

Gallup – Obama broke his record low for his approval rating (38%). And with his disapproval numbers at 55%, this is also a new all-time high. Hence, we can conclude, Obama’s negative differential of 17% between his approval / disapproval numbers is also a record low for Obama. What is probably most troublesome for Obama is that Romney, Perry, Paul, and Bachmann all poll within the margin of error in head to head matchups with Obama.

Golf – President Bush gave up golf because he did not want to give that image to struggling Americans or to families that have children serving in Iraq or Afghanistan. I doubt President Obama will ever come to that same realization.

Frederica Wilson – The Democratic Congresswoman believes the reason for high unemployment in black communities is due to racism. It seems we cannot go a week without some liberal using the race card or insinuating someone is a terrorist or Nazi. I guess this is the civil discourse the Left claims to follow.

CBO – They are estimating that the debt for 2011 will hit 1.5 trillion dollars. Hence, the U.S. debt is increasing at a rate of 3 million dollars every minute (an all-time high).

My Book: Is America Dying? (, Barnes and Noble)

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Obama's Lowlights (8/27/11)

Obamaisms – Here are few great quotes from “the chosen one” when on his bus campaign tour: “The economy has gotten better than when I first took office”. “If everyone took the attitude of shared sacrifice than we could solve our debt and deficit problems next week”. Obama also said to a farmer “Your fears are unfounded about government regulation”.

Fast and Furious – Several more reports have surfaced confirming that the weapons used in the program not only killed people in Mexico, but in the United States.

Moody’s - In the wake of American's credit rating downgrade, Moody's now says its near-term outlook for the U.S. economy has fallen significantly. The Wall Street Journal reports: "The firm attributes most of the expected decline to a loss of business, investor and consumer confidence, noting the economy’s improving fundamentals such as the strengthening of business’s balance sheets and consumers’ strides in cutting household debt."

Obama Bus Tour – Obama continually preached on his 1.1 million dollar taxpayer funded bus tour to buy American products. Unfortunately, the Obama’s bus was made in Canada.

Economy – The cost of living index rose 0.5 percent in July and the consumer price index also rose 0.2 percent according to the Labor Department. Also, the housing market continued to slide in July.

New York – Good News: A New York judge dismissed a class action suit that alleged consumers have reached a level of stupidity they cannot understand how to buy tickets for a New York Yankees game online.

S&P – Shortly after S&P downgraded U.S. treasury bonds, the DOJ began an investigation into the company. Rumors surfaced that the investigation is about their role in the financial collapse because they had AAA ratings on mortgage backed securities that failed.

Amnesty – The White House, without congressional approval, has unveiled its new immigration policy – Only illegal immigrants with criminal records will be deported, the rest will be given amnesty.

Aliens – A team of researchers have come up with a scenario that aliens could attack earth to stop global warming because they see it as a threat to their ecosystem. I do not know about you, but I am glad taxpayer money is being used on commonsense and logical approaches to practical problems and issues.

Homosexuals - MSNBC reports that “three bisexual men have filed a federal lawsuit against a national gay-sports organization, claiming they were unfairly deemed not gay enough to play for a gay softball team during the Gay Softball World Series."

Diversity - President Obama issued an executive order last week creating a new bureaucracy that will create new rules “promote diversity and inclusion in the federal workforce,” whatever that means.

Taxes - Warren Buffet thinks the $6.9 million he paid in 2010 wasn't enough and wants to be taxed more. National Review points out he's not alone. George Soros, Stephen King, and Matt Damon want to know why the "super rich" aren't paying 50 percent in taxes? Remember, there is nothing stopping these people from paying more in taxes – they do not have to claim all their deductions and capital loses, but they conveniently fail to do this.

My Book: Is America Dying? (, Barnes and Noble)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Obama's Lowlights (8/23/11)

Exxon – The average tax per gallon of gas is 50 cents nationwide. Exxon’s average profit per gallon of gas is less than 5 cents. So, who exactly is evil: big oil or big government?

Post Office – They are drawing strong criticism from labor unions because the US Postal Service has proposed cutting 120,000 jobs, in addition to pulling out of the government run health care plan. The Washington Post reports, "During the past four years, the service lost $20 billion, including $8.5 billion in fiscal 2010."

London Riots – The identity of several looters has astonished many since they are not all welfare recipients, but well to do people holding great jobs – a ballerina, an organic chef, teachers, and even a member of the Olympic committee.

Italy – Their government has made bold fiscal changes including entitlement reform in an effort to cut 65 billion in spending.

San Francisco –The city is coming under attack for shutting down cell service to prevent a protest from organizing over a fallen transit police officer.

Polls – Obama’s approval ratings continue to hit lows just 4 months after a surge for killing Osama bin Laden. Also, 93% of all Americans feel that grocery prices are higher this year.

Iraq – As the United States scales down its forces in Iraq, violence continues to escalate.

Pakistan – They allowed China to look at the downed U.S. military helicopter from the bin Laden raid.

Virginia – Gun crimes in establishments that serve alcohol declined 5.2% in the first year since allowing its citizens to carry concealed weapons.

Germany – Their economy has done well through the recession, but their second quarter GDP numbers were anemic.

Fast and Furious – The ATF agents that botched the gun operation have been promoted by the agency.

Joe Wilson – The South Carolina representative was vindicated (He yelled “You Lie” when Obama said ObamaCare did not provide health insurance to illegal immigrants during a speech) when reports surfaced that the Health and Human Service Department have awarded millions in healthcare benefits to migrant workers citing new ObamaCare provisions.

MSNBC – Chris Matthews first mocked Rick Perry’s faith and then asked a guest to describe how ugly he is. Meanwhile, Ed Schultz has painted Perry as a racist.

Wind Energy – Finally, a report about how wind turbines kill birds (I have been telling the Left about this for years). It is reported that one California wind farm killed 4700 birds annually including endangered species such as 1300 raptors, 70 gold eagles and various owl species. Where is the environmental outrage over this? To illustrate the hypocrisy, in 2009, Exxon pleaded guilty to killing 85 migratory birds in 5 states that contacted uncovered crude oil and were fined 600 thousand dollars.

My Book: Is America Dying? (, Barnes and Noble)

Friday, August 19, 2011

Obama's Lowlights (8/19/11)

MSNBC – Their new opinion talk show host is no other than race antagonist Al Sharpton. I tried watching the show, but Sharpton can hardly read his lines – pitiful.

Debt Committee – The National Taxpayers Union and the Club for Growth have given grades (0-100%) to all politicians based on how their voting patterns affect economic growth. All of the Democratic Senators on the new Debt Committee failed miserably: Murray scored 6% and 6% respectively; Kerry 6% and 3%; and Baucus 9% and 13%.

Obama Campaign 2012 – With no accomplishments (unless you consider unpopular legislation such as ObamaCare and the Recovery Act a success), many news outlets are predicting that the Obama campaign will be a highly negative one. In other words, they will attack their opponent instead of pointing out administration accomplishments and successes since they have none.

Hillary Clinton – I doubt it will happen, but there are so many liberals disappointed with Obama they are trying to push a Clinton primary challenge.

London – Riots have been escalating over the past month due primarily to government budget cuts. This once again illustrates what happens in an entitlement society.

Afghanistan Victims – Several families of the 20 Navy Seals killed in Afghanistan pleaded with the Pentagon and the White House not to release any photos of the remains at Dover Air Force Base. The photos were released.
Bush Tax Cuts – This was reported by Michael Medved. In an August 8th editorial entitled “The Truth About Taxes” the New York Times finally (if unwittingly) acknowledged Bush reforms weren’t just “tax cuts for the rich.” America’s “Journal of Record” wrote: “Letting all of the cuts expire at the end of 2012 would save $3.8 trillion over the next decade. Letting the tax cuts expire for those making more than $250,000 would save $700 billion.” In other words, 82 percent—82 percent!—of Bush tax relief goes to households earning below $250,000, benefiting the middle class, and poor families who got dropped from tax rolls altogether.

Student Loans – This may be the next financial bubble to burst. With only 15% of college graduates receiving jobs upon graduation the default rate is expected to grow substantially. In fact, student loan debt is now higher than credit card debt in the U.S.

Wisconsin – Democrats, who failed to win the upper house by recalling 6 Republicans, are now trying to find a way to recall newly elected governor Scott Walker.

ObamaCare – The 11th Circuit of Appeals Court sided with 26 states saying the mandate in ObamaCare is unconstitutional.

Consumer Confidence – August numbers were at their lowest point in over 30 years – yes, significantly lower than any point during what the Left referred to as “the lost decade” under President Bush.

My Book: Is America Dying? (, Barnes and Noble)

Monday, August 15, 2011

Obama's Lowlights (8/15/11)

Fast and Furious – More disturbing information is coming forth that the DEA also allowed Mexican drug cartels to bring drugs across the border in exchange for information. Thus, Fast and Furious was not just about guns going to Mexico, but drugs coming to the United States.

Nancy Pelosi – The House has moved her “Green the Capitol” initiative into a larger energy bill that has been shelved.

Obama Movie – A movie about Obama’s decision to kill Osama bin Laden is schedule to be released a month before the 2012 election.

Italy and Spain – The European Central Bank has bought a large sum of both Italian and Spanish toxic debt. Both of these nations are in danger of defaulting on their debt.

Gold – As economic news continues to be bleak gold continues to soar to new record highs (over 1800 dollars per ounce).

Credit Downgrade – Obama on the credit downgrade “We need to work together and enact my policies”. Seriously? We enacted his debt spending policies for two years and look where that got us.

Department of Innovation – I did not know this department existed let alone it has a new logo. If you have not seen the logo it is hilarious, it looks like ancient technology - grinding flywheels – so is the message “gridlock”?

NRLB / Boeing – House Oversight committee head, Darrell Issa, has subpoenaed government documents on the NRLB / Boeing case (Remember, the NRLB blocked Boeing from building a plant in a right to work state – South Carolina).

Michelle Obama – One of her main focuses as first lady is to advocate for military families, but she was a no show to honor the 31 fallen soldiers in Afghanistan this past week. Instead, she visited her brother in Oregon.

Al Gore – While addressing climate change in Aspen Colorado, he gave a four letter laced rant dissing naysayers. I never understood the strategy of disrespecting a group of people and then expecting them to conform to the ideology.

FED – To stop the stock sell off the chairman of the FED, Ben Bernanke, said he would keep interest rates at all-time lows for the next 2 years.

Debt Committee – Democrats Chris Van Hollen of Maryland, Jim Clyburn of South Carolina, Xavier Becerra of California, Patty Murray of Washington, Max Baucus of Montana, and John Kerry of Massachusetts will sit on the committee that was the result of the recent debt legislation. Republicans tabbed Rep. Jeb Hensarling of Texas, Rep. David Camp of Michigan, Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan (Paul Ryan asked not to be on the committee), Senator John Kyl, Senator Rob Portman, and Senator Pat Toomey.

Newsweek – They took the worst possible picture of Michelle Bachmann and placed it on the cover of their last issue. Even Jon Stewart criticized Newsweek’s bias over the picture.

My Book: Is America Dying? (, Barnes and Noble)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Obama's Lowlights (8/11/11)

Wisconsin – Four of 6 Republicans won their recall election to maintain control of the upper house. Two Democrats have their recall elections next week. The Democrats poured massive amounts of money into the election (mostly from unions) to defeat the Republicans. This is a win for justice and democracy.

U.S. Credit Rating – A Chinese rating firm has also dropped the rating of U.S. Treasury bonds.

Chevy Volt – The latest and greatest electric car from the U.S. automobile industry sold a whopping 125 units in July.

ABC – They did a report smearing all eight of the main GOP Presidential competitors for buying their campaign shirts overseas.

Politizoid – They produce animated political ads on the internet and the Left is calling them racist for using Obamas’ voice (they take clips from his speeches) in some productions.

Debt – With the new debt deal done, the U.S. debt level has officially reached and passed 100% of GDP on day 1 of the agreement. In fact, our debt grew on the first day of the agreement by a record 236 billion dollars.

NRA – They are suing the federal government over new ATF gun reporting regulations in border-states.

Obama Reelection – The Obama campaign web site has made it clear that Joe Biden will remain on the ticket. That is good news for the GOP.

Regulation – In July alone, the Obama administration proposed 229 new rules and 10 economically significant rules costing over 9.5 billion dollars.

Economy – In a campaign speech Obama blamed the struggling economy on the “Big, messy, tough democracy”. Say what? And what is worse U.S. markets have been plunging due to fears of a double dip recession.

DSCC – They are lobbying the DOJ to stop stricter voter ID laws - of course they are claiming the laws are racists.

Alabama – Mexico and 15 other countries are suing Alabama over their new immigration law.

Taxes – We know the Democrats want to tax millionaires more. In 2009, according to the IRS, there were 227 thousand millionaires. If the IRS confiscated all the earnings (100% tax) of these millionaires, it would not account for half of our 1.5 trillion dollar debt in 2011. So spending cuts and entitlement reform are not only needed, they are the only way to significantly reduce debt and unfunded liabilities.

John Kerry – He made the following statement: “The media should not give equal time to Tea Party views”. I guess they should only show his view of the world.

Food Stamps - A shocking new report from the USDA finds that nearly 15 percent of the U.S. population relied on food stamps in May. That's up 12 percent from a year ago, and 34 percent higher than two years ago.

China – They are demanding we get our fiscal house in order since they own 1.2 trillion dollars of U.S. debt.

My Book: Is America Dying? (, Barnes and Noble)

Monday, August 8, 2011

Obama's Lowlights (8/8/11)

Economy – GDP for the first quarter of 2011 was revised sharply downward from 1.9% to 0.4%. And what’s worse GDP for the second quarter of 2011 was reported to be an anemic 1.3%. Also, U.S. markets have erased their 2011 gains over the past several weeks due to the debt ceiling debacle and weak economic conditions. The unemployment rate dropped to 9.1% as the private sector added 117 thousand new jobs (although this is not enough to keep up with population growth). In fact, the unemployment rate would be 11.7% if the labor force was did not shrink and was the same size when Obama took office. Only 59% of all eligible working Americans are employed, the lowest level in 6 decades. And if all this is not bad enough, S&P lowered the U.S. credit rating.

Automobiles – The Obama administration is going to reset automobile mileage standards to be 54.5 miles per gallon by 2025. It is never good when one person who understands absolutely nothing about the technological challenges and quality tradeoffs is the person in charge of setting unrealistic goals.

Polar Bears – Charles Monnett, who is responsible for managing 50 million dollars to study Arctic wildlife and ecology, was placed on leave for his false writings about polar bears drowning because of melting polar ice. Al Gore has used Monnett’s study in his movie “An Inconvenient Truth”.

Gallup – During the debt ceiling debate Obama’s approval numbers hit an all-time low of 40% at the end of July.

Fast and Furious – During the 2008 campaign Obama spoke about tracing guns, meaning the White House probably had more to do with the failed plan than other agency workers may let on.

Cash – According to the U.S. Treasury, on August 2nd, the federal government had less operating cash on hand (73 billion) than one single corporation: Apple (76 billion). The point is that one single private sector company has done a better job managing its finances than the entire federal government.

Britain - Hip replacements, cataract surgery, and tonsil removal are among operations now being rationed by Britain’s National Health Service.
Internet - In a 19 to 10 vote, a House panel voted in favor of Internet providers maintaining logs of their customers’ activities for one year – in case police need to review the information at a future date.

ObamaCare - Your health insurance premium will now be more expensive thanks to a measure in ObamaCare that forces private insurance companies to provide women with prescription birth control and the morning after pill without having to pay out of pocket costs/a co-pay.

Vanity Fair – Disgruntled liberals from the magazine have theorized the reason behind the failing Obama White House is due to the fact Obama quit smoking.

Biden – He called the Tea Party congressional members terrorists for their handling of the debt ceiling debate.

TSA – They finally announced that they will begin screening passengers based on behavioral patterns, and not just based on random occurrences.

Afghanistan – Thirty-one special ops troops were killed in Afghanistan including 20 Navy Seals.

My Book: Is America Dying? (, Barnes and Noble)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Obama's Lowlights (8/4/11)

Wisconsin – The cost of education in the state, with the passage of the new law, has declined over 500 dollars per student per year.

Land – Over 30% of the United States’ land mass is controlled by 4 federal agencies.

David Wu – Finally, the scandal plagued Oregon representative has decided to resign. Wu has had a history of mental illness.

Luis Gutierrez – The Illinois Democratic representative was arrested at an open borders protest in Washington. This is the group that wants our borders open to all illegal immigrants. During the protest, all of the Hispanic participants chanted in Spanish, not English. I suppose assimilation to American customs is not part of their citizenship plan.

Individual Debt – Not surprising, the people who are the most in debt are from California and Hawaii. In fact, 9 of the top 10 states having the most individual debt are liberal leaning. On the other hand, 9 of 10 states with the least individual debt come from conservative leaning states (Oklahoma and West Virginia are the top 2). This should come as no surprise since liberals want more government assistance to help them pay down their debt.

Norway Terror Attack – Apparently the terrorists who carried out the terror attacks face a tough life in the Norway prison system that is equipped with luxury furniture, a luxury kitchen, big screen TV’s, refrigerators, and other amenities that most citizens do not have.

Texas – Since the recession started Texas has added nearly three quarters of the nation’s new jobs.

National Security – Former ATF agent, William Newell, admitted he was in touch with White House National Security advisor, Kevin O’Reilly, about project Fast and Furious as early as September of 2010.

Fort Hood – Authorities arrested Naser Abdo because he was planning a second attack on the military base.

Debt Ceiling – The house narrowly passed the second plan introduced by Speaker John Boehner, but the Senate killed the bill on arrival. The Reid plan proposed raising the debt ceiling 3 dollars to every dollar in budget cuts. This plan was also blocked in the Senate. Meanwhile, Democrats urged the President to use the 14th amendment to raise the debt ceiling. It was also rumored that Obama’s own party complained privately that he had not been leading on this issue. Finally, the framework of a deal was reached when Republicans and Democrats agreed they would raise the debt limit by at least $2.1 trillion and would allow Obama to get past his target date: Election Day 2012. In return for this generous political cover, Democrats agreed to a modest $1 trillion in supposed cuts spread out over 10 years; $350 billion of those “upfront” savings come from gutting national security resources. It certainly looked very suspicious and convenient that the August 2nd deadline was just in time so Obama would not miss his 50th birthday party and fundraiser.

The Budget Control Act – Here is a summary of the new budget plan passed by Congress: More than $900 billion in deficit reduction over 10 years through discretionary spending caps. $350 billion of that comes from the Pentagon; Debt limit increased by at least $2.1 trillion -- through 2013; Bipartisan super-committee is tasked with finding $1.5 trillion in deficit reduction by November 23 presumably through tax and entitlement reform. There will be 12 members of the super-committee. House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., each get to pick three members; Congress must vote on recommendations made by the bipartisan Congressional deficit reduction committee by December 23; If Congress fails to pass the committee proposal, triggers are enacted that spur at least $1.2 trillion in cuts and those will be close to 50/50 split between domestic/defense spending. But the triggers exempt cuts to Social Security, Medicare beneficiaries, and low income programs. The cuts will take effect on January 2, 2013.

My Book: Is America Dying? (, Barnes and Noble)