Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Obama's Lowlights (6/28/12)

Food Stamps – New York Democratic Senator Gillibrand claims for every dollar spent on food stamps it returns 1.71 cents to the economy. How do dumb people like this who have absolutely no business savvy get elected to office? Food stamp spending has gone up by over 50% in the last three years (86 billion dollars), but the economy has grown at a measly 1% rate. Maybe we should put everyone on food stamps to get that 71% return?

Immigration reform – Obama’s executive order to stop the deportation of Hispanic youths clearly violates the Constitution by bypassing Congress. This is yet another executive power grab. As Arizona Governor Jan Brewer states “Most importantly this unilateral act is a pre-emptive strike against the United States Supreme Court and its decision on Senate Bill 1070.”

Birth Control Mandate – Obama says that Catholics once again rejected compromise on the matter. As if Catholics were given a voice on his legislation.

Eric Holder – A new Rasmussen Poll found that 40% of Americans want Holder to resign as head of the DOJ. Twenty-Seven percent do not want Holder to resign and 32% are undecided.

Golf – Our president has officially hit the golf course for the 100th time during his term. He has also attended over 150 campaign fundraisers in less than 3.5 years.

Fast and Furious - The lawsuit, Judicial Watch v. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, seeks all communication records between ATF officials and Kevin O'Reilly, former Obama White House Director of North American Affairs at the U.S. National Security Council. To avoid a contempt charge from the House, DOJ head Eric Holder had the White House to insert Executive Privilege (remember when Obama criticized the Bush administration from “hiding behind” executive privilege) on all Fast and Furious documents.

Government Censorship - From July to December 2011, Google’s Transparency Report indicates that U.S. agencies requested 6192 items be removed from Google services. That’s a 718 percent increase from the 757 items requested to be removed in the prior six-month period.

Brett McGurk - President Barack Obama's choice to be ambassador to Iraq has withdrawn from consideration for the post after a series of emails came to light detailing what critics called an improper relationship with a journalist during a previous tour in Baghdad.

Universal Healthcare – In Greece their social healthcare system is breaking down: “Greece's rundown state hospitals are cutting off vital drugs, limiting non-urgent operations and rationing even basic medical materials for exhausted doctors.”

Voter Participation Center – It was revealed the non-profit group sent out a voter ID card to a dead dog in Virginia.

Drones – Apparently many Americans fear the “Orwellian big brother” prospect of hundreds of drones patrolling the U.S. skies within the next decade or so.

ObamaCare – Many far Left leaning individuals are hopeful the individual mandate is ruled unconstitutional because this paves the way to a single payer system.

West Virginia - Senator Manchin, along with several other West Virginia Democrats running for re-election, are engaging in another free-spirited move: They will skip the Democratic Convention entirely.

Russia – Putin exposes a weak Obama as he escalates tensions in Syria.

Campaign Hecklers – Hecklers at Romney campaign events are getting paid, two of the protesters and an Obama campaign official told BuzzFeed

Monday, June 25, 2012

Obama's Lowlights (6/25/12)

ObamaCare - A new government actuarial study finds that as a result of the law, health care spending will be $478 billion higher over the next decade than it would have otherwise been had no law been passed. Furthermore, as a result of the health care law, about 50 cents of every dollar of health care spending in the United States will be financed by government by 2021. In other news, the Doctor Patient Medical Association has released a new survey of about 700 doctors, and the results are bleak. Eighty-Three percent of doctors are contemplating quitting and over 90% say the medical system is on the wrong track.

Obama Campaign - Democratic strategists Stanley Greenberg and James Carville have released a striking new report arguing in stark terms that some key voting groups now reject President Obama's claim that the economy is improving.

Joy Behar – The liberal talk show host said “it would be nice to see Romney’s house burn down”.

AFL-CIO - The federation says the shift in campaign funding from Obama has been in the works for months, and had nothing to do with the president's failure to show in Wisconsin last week, where labor unions led a failed recall election of Governor Scott Walker.

Marijuana – Marijuana legalization and medical use initiatives are the ballots in many key states this November. The Obama reelection could hinge on this and how this energizes the youth to get out to vote.

Republican Campaign Funding - Forbes has confirmed that billionaire Sheldon Adelson, along with his wife Miriam, has donated $10 million to the leading Super PAC supporting presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney–and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. A well-placed source in the Adelson camp with direct knowledge of the casino billionaire’s thinking says that further donations will be “limitless.”

Harry Reid - Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) announced his support of an investigation into last weekend’s controversial Pacquiao – Bradley boxing match. I’m so glad he has his priorities properly aligned with the rest of America.

Eggs - Dianne Feinstein is currently working to pass an amendment through the Senate that will nationalize standards for the housing of egg-laying hens.

HBO – HBO’s “Game of Thrones” parades George W. Bush’s decapitated head on a stick.

Fundraisers – Obama held another celebrity fundraiser in New York where he said he loved the middle class – and yes, because he visited the World Trade Center he is charging the taxpayers for the event. Thank you for the love! If that is not hypocritical enough, Obama has security checking photo IDs at campaign events – evidently, there has been fraud – people entering campaign events who are not Obama supporters.

Illegal Immigration - The White House, desperate for the Latino vote come November, will halt the deportation of as many as 800,000 young illegal immigrants and in some cases give them work permits, in a sweeping new initiative announced by the Department of Homeland Security.

Biden – Joe called the current recession the worst in American history. I think he needs a history lesson, but no doubt he and Obama made the recession worse. What’s worse, Biden then said the greatest cities are in China, not in the U.S.

Secret Service - The U.S. government has revealed details of serious allegations against Secret Service agents and officers since 2004, including claims of involvement with prostitutes, leaking sensitive information, publishing pornography, sexual assault, illegal wiretaps, improper use of weapons and drunken behavior. It wasn't immediately clear how many of the accusations were confirmed to be true.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Obama's Lowlights (6/21/12)

Campaign Strategy – Obama’s strategy in battleground states such as Nevada, Florida, and Colorado is to pour money into ads courting the Hispanic vote. The Obama campaign has outspent the Romney camp over 100 to 1 on ads on Latino radio stations. Obama holds a 35 to 40 point advantage with Latino voters. However, U.S. President Barack Obama currently has the support of 64% of Jewish registered voters, according to the Gallup polling agency. This is 10% less than the percentage of Jews who voted for Obama in 2008. Also bad news for Obama while 57% of union workers who are registered to vote would support Obama, 35% would vote for Mitt Romney – also significantly worse than Obama’s support in 2008.

New York – From the NY Post “Greta Hawkins, principal of PS 90, the Edna Cohen School, won’t allow kindergartners to belt out the beloved Lee Greenwood ballad, also known as “Proud to be an American,” at their moving-up ceremony.”

USDA - The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is required to set up a catfish inspection program under the 2008 farm bill, and has been dragging its feet in putting the program into place. Normally, UDSA inspects meat and eggs, but leaves fish to the Food and Drug Administration.

Obama’s Second Term – According to New Yorker writer Ryan Lizza, The President has said that the most important policy he could address in his second term is climate change . . . “

Paul Krugman – According to the Lefts leading economist and columnist the U.S. is in a depression.

Current TV – The TV station is replacing Keith Olbermann with Joy Behar.

North Dakota – The state voted to ban property taxes. It is the first time since 1980, when Alaska voted to end it state income tax, which a state voted to end a major tax.

National Security Leaks – Former Democratic strategist, Pat Caddell, believes the leaks are coming from Obama’s national security advisor, Tom Donilon.

ObamaCare – The Wall Street Journal had a good article on how the passage of ObamaCare itself was a scandal. The article points out that those groups with money and power got carve outs and earmarks in the law while the majority of Americans got a law they did not want.

Chris Christie – The New Jersey governor’s approval ratings are at their highest level since entering office.

Florida - Despite demands from DOJ, Florida has moved forward with the purge of ineligible voters and now, DOJ is suing Florida over the issue and Florida is suing the Department of Homeland Security for refusing them access to the I.C.E database.

John Bryson - President Obama's Secretary of Commerce, Secretary John Bryson was charged with a hit-and-run felony after being involved in three collisions. Bryson went of medical leave and is believed to have suffered a seizure.

Summer Jobs – Fewer than 30% of American 16 to 19 year olds have a summer job this year.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Obama's Lowlights (6/18/12)

Bill Press – The liberal radio host had this to say about our national anthem "It's an abomination." "Are we the only ones who are brave on the planet? I mean all the brave people live here. I mean it’s just stupid I think." "I’m embarrassed, I’m embarrassed every time I hear it."

Bill Clinton – The former president believes the Bush Tax Cuts should be extended and increasing taxes on the wealthy should not be implemented.

California – San Diego and San Jose residents overwhelmingly approved labor union pension cuts.

Suicide Bombers – Al Qaeda is advertising online for suicide bombers “the advertisements ask for volunteers to get in touch via e-mail with details about their own experience and proposed targets, and were posted on a variety of jihadist forums, including Al-Fidaa, Shmoukh al-Islam and Honein”.

Wisconsin – The Left attributes the Scott Walker victory to a decisive 7:1 cash advantage and the Supreme Court Citizens United decision. However, some media stories claim that the Walker cash advantage was 30 million to 25 million and all of the contributions to the Walker campaign would have been legal prior to Citizens United decision.

Security Leaks – Detailed articles by the NY Times and other liberal papers about the use of the Stunext computer virus and the Bin Laden killing have brought about bipartisan concerns about national security leaks within the administration to politicize Obama’s national security record.

Digital Divide – From Michael Medved “During the 1990s, liberal politicians led by Al Gore warned about the so-called “digital divide” which left minorities and the poor with less access to the Internet. New figures show that the situation is now reversed, with children in the nation’s poorest households devoting ten hours more each week to the internet and TV than middle class kids, wasting time primarily on social networks and video games.”

Campaign Finance - The Romney campaign and the RNC raised 78 million last month and also reported ending the month with $107 million cash on hand. That massive haul tops what the Obama campaign and the Democratic National Committee raised in May by more than $16 million, according to figures released last week.

DOJ – Eric Holder has been asked to investigate SWATing crimes against conservative bloggers.

Unions - Mayor of Chicago and President Obama's former chief of staff Rahm Emanuel is gearing up for a battle with the Chicago Teachers' Union. I wonder if the Left will try to recall him?

IRS – The IRS is looking to do away with the tax exempt status for political non-profit organizations.

Nevada – Seven teachers awarded as the “Best New Teachers of the Year” were laid off because of teacher union seniority requirements.

Obama Press Conference – Obama told reporters the “private sector is doing fine” and attributed the nation’s high unemployment to a lack of state and local government jobs.

Planned Parenthood - A high school in Los Angeles has opened a Planned Parenthood clinic on its campus with the goal of reducing teen pregnancy rates.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Obama's Lowlights (6/14/12)

DOJ - The Justice Department sent a letter to Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner last week demanding the state cease purging its voting rolls because the process it is using has not been cleared under the Voting Rights Act, TPM has learned.

California - A years-long showdown over the right to bear arms in California's Alameda County appeared to end after officials agreed to allow tightly restricted gun shows on government property.

Banking - A New York City bank with $10.5 billion in assets would be the sole beneficiary of a Dodd-Frank Act exemption approved today by the House Financial Services Committee.

China - A Chinese couple who managed to avoid authorities long enough to actually birth a second child were fined 1.3 million yuan ($204,000) after family-planning authorities deemed them 'rich in assets'.

Gun Ownership - Venezuela's government banned the sales of guns and ammunition.

New York - A group of Long Island police officers are claiming they were demoted for not falling in line with the typical New York Democratic machine. In other news, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo will ask legislators to decriminalize possession of small amounts of marijuana that are in public view, according to an administration official who spoke on condition of anonymity.

Solyndra - “I’m not satisfied with the White House’s compliance with the subpoena for documents and records related to Solyndra,” Rep. Cliff Stearns (R-Fla.), chairman of the Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee, told POLITICO in a statement.

Paycheck Fairness Act – From the White House “This comprehensive and commonsense bill updates and strengthens the Equal Pay Act of 1963, which made it illegal for employers to pay unequal wages to men and women who perform substantially equal work.” Too bad the Obama administration does not pay women the same as men for doing the same work.

Wisconsin Recall – We all know Scott Walker won and hopefully this “recall” thing will not get out of hand in the future. No one should be “recalled” for policy disagreements. Recalls should be reserved for politicians that have broken the law. How big was the election: Obama endorsed Barrett on Election Day while the DOJ sent officials to many polling places in search of voter discrimination. Although Scott Walker won the recall election, the state Senate fell back in Democrat hands with Democrats winning one of 5 Republican recall seats by a margin of less than 500 votes.

Demstore – Obama is suing Demstore - an online outfit that works only with Democrats to sell campaign paraphernalia. Why? It's because the Obama campaign wants (1) to sell the stuff at a higher price; (2) pocket ALL of the profit; and (3) gain access to buyers' information for future fundraising solicitation.

Budget – Bill Clinton boasted about his budget surpluses at an Obama fundraiser. In other news, our national debt would reach 250 percent of GDP by 2035. CBO’s model cannot reliably estimate GNP after debt reaches that amount, in the agency’s judgment.

Gay Marriage - A federal appeals court ruled that it will not review a three-judge panel's decision to overturn California's Proposition 8, which banned same-sex marriage. Next stop the Supreme Court?

Monday, June 11, 2012

Obama's Lowlights (6/11/12)

Economy – The unemployment rate went up to 8.2% after only 69,000 jobs were added in the month of May. What’s worse is that March and April job creation estimates have also been lowered.

ObamaCare – Obama is on record this past week saying he needs a second term to redo his healthcare legislation.

Fast and Furious – Mexican officials say they are investing the U.S. gun trafficking program since they were not advised about the logistics.

Bill Clinton – In a CNN interview, the former president, praised Romney’s qualifications and business experience to be President.

Tax Reform - A recent IRS report showed that 20,752 households that reported earning more than $200,000 in 2009 paid no federal income taxes because of loopholes. About 1,500 of those tax-free Americans were millionaires.

Artur Davis - Former Democrat, Obama supporter and Congressman Artur Davis is making the switch to the Republican Party. Davis is a former member of the Congressional Black Caucus and after watching for three years as the Democrats destroy this country and break promise after promise he had enough.

Liberia - A UN-backed court has sentenced Charles Taylor, Liberia's ex-president to a 50 year prison sentence. The judge stated: "The accused has been found responsible for aiding and abetting some of the most heinous crimes in human history." 

Drones - The Obama administration plans to arm Italy with drones. Aside from the U.K., Italy will be the only NATO member with American "weaponized" drones. Officials believe this move will make it difficult to deny any other ally armed drones in the future. 

New York City - The proposed first-in-the-nation ban would impose a 16-ounce limit on the size of sweetened drinks sold at restaurants, movie theaters, sports venues and street carts. It would apply to bottled drinks as well as fountain sodas.

Elizabeth Warren – The cookbook plagiarism race liar now claims to be the first nursing mother to take the bar exam in New Jersey.

Planned Parenthood – A newly released video shows a Planned Parenthood counselor explain to a pregnant girl how she can do a late term abortion after the sex of the baby had been identified. The mother only wanted to keep the baby if it is a boy. Meanwhile, the Obama administration is against legislation that will forbid gender abortions – this is the White House Statement: White House deputy press secretary Jamie Smith says in a statement: “The Administration opposes gender discrimination in all forms, but the end result of this legislation would be to subject doctors to criminal prosecution if they fail to determine the motivations behind a very personal and private decision. The government should not intrude in medical decisions or private family matters in this way.” The bill failed to get two-thirds majority in the house because 161 Democrats voted against the bill.

Defense of Marriage Act - The three-judge panel of the 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Boston ruled that the provision defining marriage as between a man and woman is unconstitutional in that it denies gay couples the rights granted to heterosexual couples.

John Edwards - Former Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards won a major victory in his campaign finance case. The jury acquitted him on one account and failed to come to a verdict on five other accounts. The judge deemed it a mistrial.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Obama's Lowlights (6/7/12)

Pool Regulations – The Justice Department announced that pool owners won't have to comply with the new requirements until early next year, a move that gets the controversy safely past the election.

Iran - During talks in Baghdad this past week, six world powers failed to convince Iran to scale back its uranium enrichment program. They will meet again in Moscow next month to try to defuse a decade-old standoff that has raised fears of a new war in the Middle East that could disrupt oil supplies.

Veterans - A staggering 45 percent of the 1.6 million veterans from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are now seeking compensation for injuries they say are service-related. In other news, Chris Hayes, of MSNBC's Sunday morning show "Up with Chris Hayes," says he's uncomfortable ascribing valorous terms to fallen military because it's "rhetorically proximate to justifications for more war."

Greece - Greece handed 18 billion euros ($22.6 billion) to its four biggest banks this past week allowing the stricken lenders to regain access to European Central Bank funding.

Public Education - Students in California are campaigning for a return to free college tuition. A proposed ballot measure would force the state of California to provide free tuition for in-state students who either maintain a 2.7 GPA or perform 70 hours of community service every year.

Swating – Swating is the Left’s latest idea to silence conservative bloggers. Swaters call 911 and make the call seem as if it comes from the home phone of the blogger. Swaters then tell 911 operators “I just shot my wife”. The target last week was Red State’s Eric Ericson.

Unemployment - Hundreds of thousands of jobless Americans are losing their federal unemployment benefits earlier than they expected due to new rules passed in February that make it harder for states to qualify for extended jobless aid, the New York Times reports.

National Weather Service - Government investigators found weather service employees had moved around millions of dollars to cover expenses and shortfalls within the agency without notifying Congress, according to a memo released last week from the Department of Commerce, which oversees NOAA and the weather agency.

Poland - President Barack Obama "misspoke" when he called a Nazi facility used to process Jews for execution as a "Polish death camp," a White House official told the news agency AFP.

Medal of Freedom - President Obama awarded open border advocate Dolores Huerta with the Medal of Freedom, the highest honor a civilian can receive. There's just one problem, Huerta is an honorary chair of the Democratic Socialists of America and likes to pal around with Hugo Chavez.

California – After 9-11 they started the “We will never forget” fund. The state collected over 15 million dollars from the specialty license plate program to fund the program. However, the fund has been raided and very little of the money is going to help victims’ families from 9-11 or to fund anti-terrorism measures, which was the intent of the program.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Obama's Lowlights (6/4/12)

Abortion - The 41% of Americans who now identify themselves as "pro-choice" is down from 47% last July and is one percentage point below the previous record low in Gallup trends, recorded in May 2009. Fifty percent now call themselves "pro-life," one point shy of the record high, also from May 2009.

Claire McCaskill – The Missouri Senator has failed to pay taxes on her personal plane for the second year.

Polls – A Washington Post poll found that 90 percent of Americans feel anything Romney or Obama did in High School will not play into their Presidential election decision.

National Security – Judicial Watch, an organization dedicated to fighting government corruption, has uncovered more than 200 documents that show the Obama administration gave Hollywood filmmakers major access to people and departments vital to national security and close to the Osama bin Laden raid.

Michelle Obama – The First Lady is off on a media tour to promote her new book on gardens. Michelle is already the most televised First Lady in history.

DOJ - The Department of Justice Civil Rights Division is forcing female students at the University of Arkansas to allow men into their restrooms.

Spending – The Obama administration is claiming federal spending is down under his watch “Although there was a big stimulus bill under Obama, federal spending is rising at the slowest pace since Dwight Eisenhower brought the Korean War to an end in the 1950s.” However, the claim relies on statistics cherry-picked from different sources and, tellingly, uses CBO projections rather than actual outlays, and lets the President off the hook for FY 2009 - a budget that was passed by a Democratic Congress and signed into law by President Obama.

Jobs - The American job market is no place for students as the number of employed high schoolers has hit its lowest level in more than 20 years, according to new figures from the National Center for Education Statistics. What’s worse, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics for the first time in history, there are now more unemployed Americans who attended at least some college than people who only graduated high school or dropped out of high school

Bain Capital - Despite Team Obama's continued attacks on Mitt Romney's past associations with Bain Capital, they aren't willing to give back $7500 in campaign donations from....Bain Capital executives.

Elizabeth Warren – In a recent interview she defended her so called Native American heritage by claiming her mother told her she was Cherokee. Meanwhile, the Boston Globe ran a front page article that shows Warren lied about her heritage and Harvard Law exploited Warren’s claim to promote their diversity numbers.

DNC – According to several media sources Obama wants to fire the gaffe prone Debbie Wasserman Schultz from the head of the DNC.

Tax Credits – Obama is campaigning for tax credits for Green Energy companies. Why don’t we simply do away with tax credits for any group, organization, or company – simplify the tax code and cut corporate taxes for all?