Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Obama's Lowlights (3/25/11)

Obama – “It would be easier to be President of China”. His reason: The Chinese people are not scrutinizing Hu Jintao’s words. In other words, it would be great to lead a nation that does not have freedom of speech. Seriously? I wonder how many Presidents ever made the claim they wished they were President of another nation – None! This truly shows Obama’s negative feelings towards our nation.

Net Neutrality – A House panel has voted down net neutrality which would have included more government interference over internet activities.

Unions – I hear the argument all the time that union leaders did not put a gun to the heads of state legislators to garner their lavish pay and benefits. Let’s face facts; union leaders did not have to – the politicians that unions helped elect with their massive treasure chest simply caved to their outrageous demands.

Gas Prices – Obama is taking credit for the fact that U.S. oil output was at its highest level last year, by 150,000 barrels per day over 2009. But it takes years to ramp up oil production levels hence; it was the policies under Bush, and even Clinton, which are leading to increased oil production. However, the main reasons for the increase in oil production are technological advances by oil companies that have brought about innovative new methods for oil recovery.

Nuclear Energy – The Japan earthquake and subsequent nuclear power plant accident is more fuel for the left to demonize this energy source. What is not being stated is that the Japan nuclear power plant is over 40 years old and some of the reactors were scheduled to be closed this year. Thus, this power plant does not include any current technology and architecture that would prevent accidents when faced by massive natural disasters. This is more reason to build modern nuclear power plants – which could replace outdated nuclear power plants.

Al Qaida – This sounds unbelievable, but the terrorist organization launched a magazine for women!

Maryland – Democratic Governor, Martin O’Malley, is the latest to take on unions to reduce the states billions of dollars in unfunded liabilities.

ObamaCare – Michigan Democratic Senator, Jon Conyers, has admitted that ObamaCare is the first step to a single payer system.

Priorities – Obama has spent more time discussing his NCAA basketball brackets than the Japan tragedy, state fights with unions over debt, the budget, or the protests and fighting going on in Libya and other Arab nations – this past week.

Florida – The state legislator is proposing legislation that will deny state funding for abortions.

Nevada – A new state law proposed by Democrats is trying to outlaw candy being handed out in public places and banning air fresheners.

Food Prices – Food prices soared 3.9% in February, the highest monthly increase since 1974. But the administration argued that lower housing costs will offset the increase in food and gas prices. Now that is a logical argument (Not) – Great news our home value has gone down AND we are broke!

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