Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Obama's Lowlights (11/5/10)

Education – Taxpayers are paying for dinner for DC students. How can family get involved in a child’s education if kids are never at home?

NJ Turnpike – An internal audit found that the state wasted about 43 million dollars annually. One toll worker collected an annual salary of over 300,000 dollars.

Welfare States – What is the result of having a welfare state? We need to look no further than the riots in France. Citizens are angry that the government is going to increase the retirement age from 60 to 62. The United Kingdom has slashed their budgets by 19%. Thus far in the UK there is no unrest but thousands of state employees will lose their jobs.

Unions – Although the media and Democrats tried to portray corporations and foreign donations as the reason Republicans won back the house, the truth is that unions gave more to Democrat incumbents than any other special interest group during the midterm election cycle.

Iran – Afghanistan relationship – The Afghani government has confirmed it has received up to 2 million dollars from the Iranian government. There is no question that Iran wants to influence Afghanistan after the U.S. leaves.

Omar Khadr – He is the youngest detainee at Guantanamo and he pleaded guilty to the crimes he had been charged with.

Obama – He showed his true colors as being a divider on the campaign trail. He brought slavery into his campaign speeches and even asked Latinos to vote “to punish your enemies”. I wonder what the media would have said if Bush asked all Evangelicals to punish their enemies?

Charities – Donations to charities dropped by 11% in 2009. Much of this can be explained by the recession, but even when times turn around this trend can continue downward since Obama has limited tax relief for people donating to charities.

Iran – They have begun to inject uranium into their nuclear reactors.

Yemen – Explosives aboard cargo planes bound from the U.S. from Yemen were found. This is the third thwarted terror plot against the U.S. from Yemen in less than a year.

Election Fraud – There already have been reports of election fraud during the early voting portion of the midterms. In Nevada there were reports that Harry Reid was automatically selected on some voting machines. Lawyers on both sides are already on hand to observe recounts of close elections.

Election Results – A bad week for Obama and the Democrats who lost control of the House and lost 6 Senate seats as well as 8 Governorships.

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