Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Obama's Lowlights (12/26/09)

Fat Cats – Obama has been chastising the financial banking sector (which he called the “Fat Cats”) for taking too many risks, and now he wants them to start handing out more loans. So which is it Mr. President? First you tell the banking sector to take fewer risks and now you want them to hand out more questionable loans. Obama’s inexperience is showing because he always seems to want it both ways.

Raises – Most government employees will be receiving pay raises. Meanwhile, Main Street Americans are struggling. It is good to know our stimulus money is being put to good use.

Guantanamo – It is official, Obama will move the detainees from Guantanamo to an unused prison in Thomson, Illinois. The government will buy the prison and essentially move prisoners from a good functioning prison to another one. What is the point? It is not only a waste of money, but it will not make us safer?

Iran – They have test fired a missile that has the capability of not only hitting Israel, but it can hit Europe. Remember that Obama cancelled the missile defense system that was slated to be built in Eastern Europe. This was intended to protect Europe from the growing Iranian threat.

ObamaCare – The public option is gone, but don’t let that fool anybody into believing this is not the first step at a government take over of health care. And do not be fooled by the Democrats claim that ObamaCare is deficit neutral and it will save Medicare for 10 more years. ObamaCare will push us further into debt and Medicare will still be bankrupt in the next decade. The government, that will soon run our health care, has recently recalled nearly millions of doses of the flu vaccine since they were not potent enough. Democrats have strong armed and bribed their caucus to support this awful 2500 page bill. It is looking more likely that health care in some form will pass. And like all entitlements, it will become a massive part of our government bureaucracy wasting trillions of dollars.

Climate Change – The UN conference on global warming, in Copenhagen, has drawn to a conclusion with a wishy-washy agreement between the U.S., China, India, and South Africa to essentially meet again and to help developing nations. This is certainly disturbing news that came from the conference because the United States, already in massive debt, was going to help raise 100 billion dollars for developing nations to deal with climate change. It is not bad enough that it will cost us trillions here in the United States to cut carbon, but we are going to pay for poor nations as well. This is crazy, but it is not the craziest thing to happen at the Conference. Hugo Chavez got a standing ovation for stating capitalism is evil. Wow!

Omnibus – The Omnibus spending bill was passed for the upcoming year. This nearly 500 billion dollar bill is loaded with nearly 5,000 earmarks. Remember that Obama claimed he would push for earmark reform? Unfortunately, it is not just the Democrats guilty of this, but the Republicans have their fair share of earmarks in this bill. When will the GOP learn they cannot be hypocrites about being fiscally responsible?

Defense Budget – The 650 billion dollar defense budget was also approved, and it too contains another 4 billion in earmarks.

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