Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Obama's Lowlights (1/16/10)

Political Landscape – Two sitting Democrat Senators have announced they are retiring. Chris Dodd from Connecticut and Byron Dorgan from North Dakota have seen the writing on the wall. They both have been way behind the Republican candidates in recent polls. Chris Dodd is definitely good riddance because he was one of the most liberal and corrupt Senators the past several decades. However, this matters little to Obama who will likely offer Dodd a post in the Treasury Department. This is also great news for Democrats because it is the only way they can keep the seat in their hands. Also, Colorado Governor, Bill Ritter, a Democrat will not seek reelection this year.

TSA – Obama wants to unionize The Travel Security Agency (TSA). This is a disaster waiting to happen. If this happens, every few years we can expect the TSA to go on strike expecting higher wages and benefits. This will shut down the airline industry costing them billions of dollars. Obama just does not understand good business sense. And does it make sense to pay airline screeners 50 dollars an hour?

Flight 253 – This story keeps getting worse for the Obama administration. It seems that United Kingdom intelligence reported Abdulmutallab to the United States over a year before the incident on Flight 253. They warned U.S. intelligence that Abdulmutallab had ties to Islamic extremists. However, there is some good news, the Obama administration is going to make it harder for people to obtain a U.S. Visa. Hopefully, this will be a positive step in the right direction to prevent another bomb attempt on a U.S. airliner.

Paper and Plastic Bags – The District of Columbia is taxing paper and plastic bags used at grocery stores. Each will cost 5 cents. Apparently nothing is safe from taxes.

WH Security Violation – Apparently a third person breached the White House Security to attend Obama’s Indian State Dinner back in November. The number of security breaches in the Obama White House is becoming more and more alarming.

Janet Napolitano – The head of Homeland Security is coming under fire for her handling of the flight 253 bomb attempt. She claims the system worked and even Democrats have been insisting that Napolitano is over her head and should step down. Napolitano has showed she is weak on terror. In fact, she does not like to use the word “terrorism”; she likes to say “manmade disaster”. This type of political correctness and the fear to profile is making Americans less safe.

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed – It will cost the taxpayers 200 million dollars in security needed for the New York trial for the 9/11 mastermind. This is yet another reason why enemy combatants should not have the same rights as American citizens.

The Stimulus – Where is the stimulus money going? Dozens of fake zip codes in Virginia, West Virginia, Nebraska, Washington, Colorado, and Minnesota have received millions in stimulus funds.

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