Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Obama's Lowlights (11/21/09)

ObamaCare – Polls show that Americans in favor of health care reform are also concerned about the hidden costs in the 2000 page bill that creates over 100 new bureaucracies. Also, a panel of government sponsored doctors is urging the medical industry to change the way it deals with breast cancer. In essence, this committee does not want women to have mammograms until they are 50. This is not actually part of ObamaCare, but it should give everyone a sense of what is on the horizon if ObamaCare passes – rationing. The Senate rolled out its 850 billion dollar health care reform bill. This will be scrutinized more in the future as the details become available.

Terrorism – Obama will put the terrorists responsible for 9/11 on trial in New York City in a civilian court. That is right, 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and 4 other 9/11 conspirators will be given every right afforded to you and I. They will have more rights than our American soldiers, who must be tried in military courts. The Fort Hood shooter, Nidal Malik Hasan, will have fewer rights than Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. This is all part of the dangerous Obama plan to close Guantanamo and to give terrorists more rights. To bad the victims on 9/11 did not get the same rights. This soft and naïve strategy on terror is not keeping America safer.

Economy – Obama will hold a “job summit” with politicians and business leaders to try to figure out how to create more jobs. A wise and astute leader would have held this summit when he got in office instead of blindly passing an 800 billion dollar recovery act that was suppose to create jobs, but failed miserably. Right now it is too late, because we cannot afford another stimulus.

Afghanistan – Recent Reports indicate that troop morale is sharply declining. As a record number of troops are killed each month, Obama continues to procrastinate on making a strategy decision. Obama’s lack of vision and leadership is literally killing troops.

William Jefferson – Former Louisiana Democratic Representative William Jefferson was sentenced to 13 years for bribery and other racketeering offenses.

Regulation – Obama and the White House are moving to place the entire U.S. rail and subway system under government control. This is another power grab because they do not understand the rail system. Heck, no one in the White House has ever run anything in their lives.

GM – Everyone seems excited that GM only lost 1.2 Billion dollars in the last quarter. They have received 25 billion in bailout money and cut nearly half of their employee base this year and we are suppose to be happy that they only lost 1.2 billion.

The Bowing Machine – Obama is at it again: bowing to Asian leaders. I do not think this is a big deal, but it is strange to say the least. Without his teleprompter giving him instructions, he does not know how to act when greeting other national leaders.

Travel – Obama is easily on pace to travel more than any other president in U.S. history. What’s worse is that most of his travel is for campaign fund raisers and to campaign for Democrats. I wonder why environmentalists have not condemned this behavior. After all, he is a carbon emitting machine.

Copenhagen Conference – There will be no global warming deal out of this conference next month, much to the chagrin of the left.

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