Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Obama's Lowlights (3/26/10)

ObamaCare – The Democrats did it. They narrowly passed this atrocious legislation and will now control 20% of our economy using our tax dollars. People may not see the effects of this bill on them economically for a few years, but ALL Americans will suffer physically and financially. The only good news for Republicans is that they found a few glitches in the reconciliation bill, which means it has to go back to House for fixes and another vote.

A Welfare Nation – Over 20% of Americans rely on the government entitlements for their daily existence including housing, food, medical, and other subsidies. This is very alarming that personal responsibility is dwindling.

Education – Recent studies indicate there has been an increase in students attending vocational colleges instead of the traditional liberal art schools. This is good news, since most students are not traditional college material even if Obama thinks the opposite is true.

The Dollar – The collapse of the dollar continues and before the end of this year the Canadian dollar will be worth more than the U.S. dollar.

U.S. Debt – United States savings bonds are in jeopardy of losing their AAA ratings because of our debt. This would be catastrophic because it would mean the U.S. will have to pay higher interest rates on its bonds. This, in turn, would lead to more debt.

DOJ – The Department of Justice will not name the lawyers it employs that defended Guantanamo detainees pro bono. This is a legitimate question that needs to be answered for not only transparency, but for the sake of national defense. After all, it makes no sense for lawyers who defended terrorists to be in charge of running our national security defense.

Federal Employees – They earn, on average 15%, higher wages than private sector employees doing similar work. It is time for the government to scale back federal pay during this recession to curb our debt.

Iraq – The national election had over a 60% turnout despite the threat of violence. This is another sign that democracy is winning out. The Obama White House is taking credit for this, but we all know that Iraq would be in civil war if Obama and Biden had their way on Iraq.

Marcelas Owens – He is the new face for the Democrats to pass ObamaCare. Owens is 11 and is an orphan because his mother died from hypertension. Democrats are parading this young man around the country telling his sad story about the loss of his mother to convince folks ObamaCare is right for them. Marcelas may have a sad story, but he has not read the bill and he does not understand the implications the bill will have on individuals and the economy. Besides, government run Medicaid failed his mother not the health care industry.

China – The new global power is playing “hardball” with the U.S. government and corporations. In order for American corporations to gain access to the Chinese market they need to hand over patents and intellectual property. And the U.S. government has no power to do anything about this; after all, China holds nearly a trillion dollars in U.S. debt.

Obama’s Job Approval – For the first time in his Presidency, Obama’s job approval numbers are negative on Real Clear Politics. Real Clear Politics averages the results from about 6 to 12 polling companies. About 47.5% approve while 48% disapprove of his job performance.

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