Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Obama's Lowlights (2/26/10)

Technology for the Poor – Ed Markey, a Democrat representative from Massachusetts is trying to introduce legislation that would provide a subsidy to poor children so they can obtain digital technology, such as an IPad or Kindle, so they can obtain digital information. I suppose the books we used as children to learn are no longer good in this digital age. If there is a way to waste money, the liberals will find it!

Yellow Line – The Atlanta mass transit just completed the “yellow line” of their rail system. The line runs through the Asian-American section of the city and they are complaining that calling the line “yellow” is racially insensitive. With all the troubles we have this country, it is shame that political correctness and sensitivity only creates meaningless problems and issues in our nation.

Evan Bayh – The Indiana Senator announced his retirement this past week. This seat will definitely be in play at the mid term elections for Republicans to retake. I do not agree with Bayh on most policy issues, but you have to give him credit for pointing out that liberal partisanship soured him from seeking reelection.

Climate Change – The scientist at the center of the recent email scandal, Phil Jones, has gone on the record to admit there has been no global warming the past decade.

ObamaCare – Obama has finally shown some leadership skills by having the White House write the latest version of ObamaCare. That being said, this is were the compliments stop because his version is just as atrocious as the earlier versions. In fact, the White House proposal is not much different than the Senate version laced with more bureaucracy, regulation, mandates, and hidden taxes. And it costs 80 billion more!

Afghanistan War – This is one area that Obama is doing very well. Not only did the U.S. and Afghani forces open an offensive on a Taliban stronghold, but they also captured the #2 Taliban leader - Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar. Couple this with the successful continuation of the Bush administration’s drone attack strategy - the war progressing in the right direction.

Census Bureau – An audit of the department revealed that it had wasted millions preparing the census for this year. This should not come as any surprise that a government agency is wasteful and inefficient. After all, it is not their money.

Pay-As-You-Go – It only took days after passing this legislation that the Democrats are trying to side step this new law by passing a second stimulus. The whole purpose of pay-as-you-go is to stop deficit spending, but the liberals cannot help themselves from spending other people’s money. The new 15 billion dollar jobs program was just passed this week.

Health Care – Kudos to Barack and Michelle’s initiative to take on childhood obesity. This is the only thing they have done right on the health care reform front. There is no question the United States has a health problem and not necessarily a health care problem.

The Stimulus – Liberals celebrated the one year anniversary of the passing of the 800 billion dollar stimulus. Since its inception the economy has shed nearly 3 million jobs. Now that a testament for government bureaucracy, waste, and inefficiency.

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