Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Obama's Lowlights (12/12/09)

Unemployment – The good news is that the unemployment rate is down to 10%, but the bad news is that economy shed another 11,000 jobs in November. This is the smallest decline in jobs since the recession started, and is obviously a good sign. This was such good news that Obama was bragging about it. This man does not have a clue. In fact, many experts still think the labor market will continue to shed jobs into 2010. Obama held his job summit last week to determine how to create new jobs. The partisan President did not invite any Republicans or the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to the summit. Clearly, Obama feels his Democratic constituency is best at resolving our economic woes despite the failure of the 800 billion dollar Recovery Act. In fact, liberals want to use the remaining funds from the Toxic Asset Relief Plan (TARP) to have a Recovery Act II to create jobs. This only shows exactly how naïve, incompetent, and stubborn they are. The Democrat motto: If we have not succeeded, try and try again, after all, it is not our money! When are liberals going to understand that businesses will not begin to hire people until they understand how destructive Obamanomics such as ObamaCare, cap and trade, inflation, taxes, the declining dollar, and so forth will affect their company?

White House Security – I really did not want to cover this story, but it just will not go away. Apparently, two party crashers attended a White House event a few weeks back. The real issue and concern is the breakdown in security. You would think the White House would want to get to the bottom of this, but they claimed “executive privilege” and will not let Congress interview the White House Social Director, Desiree Rodgers. In fact, the fight between the White House and the media has gotten out right ugly over this issue. The confrontation between Press Secretary Robert Gibbs and the media’s April Ryan was heated and devolved into some name calling. What can the White House be hiding? I may not agree with Obama, but I want the man safe. God forbid if something happened to him, it would lead to even more widespread division in this country. However, it is possible that the Obama administration created this story to shift the media focus from the economy, Afghanistan, and the global warming conspiracy.

Global Warming – Despite the latest leak of emails detailing how scientists at the Climate Research Unit in the U.K. have falsified data, Obama is still looking to cut carbon emissions at the expense of the economy. As world leaders convene at the United Nations summit on climate change in Copenhagen, many media outlets are not talking about the incriminating evidence leaked. Apparently global warming pundits will continue their onslaught to push their agenda, which only proves it is about the money. Obama is proposing that the United States will cut carbon emissions by over 80% of 2005 levels by 2050. Obama has an agenda and he will not let anything get in his way of achieving it. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is on board with this plan. Even if it means regulating and mandates over carbon emitting industries, which will raise energy bills and eliminate thousands jobs. All of this risk over a science that indeed appears to be flawed.

Nobel Prize – The chosen one accepted his undeserved Nobel Peace Prize this week. He went on to explain that he may not deserve the award today, but his work on climate change and nuclear disarmament would qualify for him for the award in the future. Obama rambled on for nearly an hour. What an ego!

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