Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Obama's Lowlights (10/8/10)

The Economy – There is some good news: the default rate on U.S. corporate debt has decreased 10% over the last year; business class travel rose by 14% over the past year; and the average credit card debt declined under 5,000 dollars for the first time since 2002. In other news, gold continues to sore climbing close to 1300 dollars an ounce.

ObamaCare – McDonalds is the first major company mentioning it may drop healthcare for 30,000 employees because of certain provisions in the bill. This violates the Obama and Democrats pledge on healthcare reform: “If you like your doctor and insurance, you get to keep it”. 3M is also considering dropping its retiree healthcare program all together.

Polls – It is election time and there are literally dozens of polls each day on races, but one poll stuck out this past week. A PJTV poll showed that 32% of African Americans have a favorable view of the Tea Party and in fact; many would consider voting for a Tea Party candidate. This may explain why the polling average for Republican senatorial, gubernatorial, and congressional candidates has been going up each week for the past two months. Republicans hold, on average, over a 7 point lead in Senate races, an 8 point lead in governor races, and a 4 point lead in house races. And what’s worse for the Democrats is that Obama’s negative approval numbers are approaching 7% and the Generic Congressional Ballot favors Republicans by over 4%. And some more good news for Republicans is that Hoffman ended his run in NY-23 congressional district as a third party candidate.

Nancy Pelosi – She defended Steven Colbert’s testimony about immigrant farm workers, even though he was playing a fictional character. And what’s worse for Pelosi is that her fellow Democrats refuse to endorse her for Speaker of the House.

Tax Cuts – With the Bush tax cuts set to expire at the end of the year, the Democrats have decided to take this issue up in the lame duck session.

DOJ – Chris Coats, a Department of Justice employee, testified before the Civil Rights commission about how the DOJ ignores any voting improprieties committed by minorities especially if it affects white voters. Coats testified even though he was under a gag order from the DOJ.

Ahmadinejad – The Iranian President found time to visit with Louis Farrakhan and the New Black Panther Party during his U.S. visit.

Yemen – The Yemen government has started an offensive into an al-Qaida stronghold. The offensive was provoked when al-Qaida attacked an energy pipeline. This group of al-Qaida is responsible for training the “Underwear Bomber” and the Fort Hood shooter.

Race to the Top – Obama has started to push his education reform plan that will increase time in the classroom each day and extend the school year another month. How is this exactly going to make education better? It will force more teachers out of the business and the concept that more is better is often wrong. Children can only absorb and retain only so much information. Increasing information flow will result in less information being retained.

Rahm Emanuel – The President’s Chief of Staff has left the White House to pursue the mayor of Chicago.

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