Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Obama's Lowlights (5/12/11)

NY-26 – The special election is less than a month away and a fake Tea Party candidate is siphoning away votes from the Republican candidate. Jack Davis has never run as a Republican in the past and endorsed Barak Obama in 2008, but is posing as a Tea Party candidate.

Boeing - Gov. Nikki Haley (R-SC) has written an opinion piece for the Wall Street Journal urging President Obama to comment on his administration's interfering in Boeing operations to force a plant built in Washington State instead of in right-to-work South Carolina.

Bin Laden Death – It is being learned that information gained from enhanced interrogation techniques helped find and subsequently kill Bin Laden. Information obtained from Khalid Sheikh Mohammad (9-11 mastermind) helped to keep CIA agents hot on Bin Laden’s trail. In other news, Obama has decided not to release the photos of Bin Laden’s dead body. So why then did we risk the lives of our Navy Seals if the government is not going to release proof of Bin Laden’s death (but is okay to release photos of American soldiers killed in action)? And what’s worse, the administration has been passing around some fake photos. I can see the conspiracy theories forth coming. Nancy Pelosi, who in 2006, said capturing Bin Laden will not make us any safer, has flipped flopped calling the death of Bin Laden “the most significant development in our fight against al-Qaida”. Finally, al-Qaeda confirmed the death of Osama Bin Laden and has pledged revenge.

Geronimo – Native Americans are seeking an apology from the Obama administration for using the code name “Geronimo” for the Bin Laden raid. Congress is going to investigate the use of Geronimo as a code name – yes, I am serious. It is not as if they have anything more important to work on.

Pakistan – It is obvious that Pakistan harbored Bin Laden who lived a lavish lifestyle just 30 miles from Islamabad. Are they really our allies in the fight on terror? It does not appear so, but it was reported that the Pakistan military knew of the CIA mission.

Canada – Conservatives won a majority in Parliament.

Taxes – A record 51% of American households paid no income taxes or receive a refund in 2010. This is up 10% since Obama took office just 2 years ago. In other news, rumor is that one new tax the Obama administration is considering is taxing people by the mile they drive in their automobiles.

Wisconsin – An effort to recall 2 Republican senators has failed (6 Republican senators will face a recall election this summer) as has an effort to recall the newly elected governor, Scott Walker.

Light Bulbs – The new government standard energy efficient light bulbs emit dangerous poisons that can cause cancer.

Joy Behar – The wacky left winger suggested we should give terrorist book deals (instead of enhanced interrogation techniques) in exchange for information.

The Economy – The private sector added 244 thousand jobs in April (about 20 thousand lower than expected). On the flip side jobless claims are on the rise again and the unemployment rate rose to 9% as more people entered back into the labor force looking for jobs.

Democrat Deficit Plan – The Democrats plan to reduce the deficit is forth coming and it consists of 50% cuts and a 50% increase in taxes to reduce the deficit by 4 trillion dollars over the next decade. Anyone who has read my blog and economic models understands that when taxes are raised on the wealthy it leads to more government spending, less revenue than expected (Laffer Effect), and a massive decline in consumer spending crippling the economy.

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