Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Obama's Lowlights (10/31/09)

Senior Citizens – It is no secret at this time that senior citizens are the group of Americans most unhappy with ObamaCare since it cuts nearly 500 billion from the program. To earn the trust of senior citizens, Obama has approved a one time $250 dollar payout for them. They should be receiving this bribe from Obama some time this year if it gets approved by Congress. We’ll see if it will change minds of senior citizens and their opinion of ObamaCare.

H1N1 Virus – The government had 6 months to get ahead of this virus, and they failed miserably. Now, does anyone really want the federal government to control our health care if they cannot contain a flu epidemic they saw coming? The H1N1 virus was officially declared a national emergency this past week.

Biden – Joe Biden’s credibility on foreign affairs took another blow this week. NATO seems to be backing the General McCrystal Afghanistan plan, and not Joe’s. This should not come as a shock, remember, Biden wanted to divide Iraq into three factions. Obviously, he was wrong on that front as well.

Global Warming – The latest global warming fad is that the Aspen trees in the West are dying by the thousands due to a parasite that is flourishing in the warmer climates. I live in the middle of the Rockies, and hike all over the place, and have yet to observe this trend of decimated Aspens.

Iraq – Violence has escalated this past week as hundreds have died. Obama needs to keep an eye on this and make sure the U.S. does not cave to the liberal left retreat before Iraq is stable.

Afghanistan – It has been nearly 3 months since General McCrystal has given Obama his strategy for Afghanistan, but Obama continues to waffle on a decision. This is ridiculous; Obama has had ample time to commit to a strategy. Our troops are in harms way and deserve better from our leader. This past week was one of the deadliest in the war.

The Far Left – Obama is under attack from the far left because he has failed to take any action on gay rights, immigration, pro choice, holding terrorists without charge, withdrawing from Afghanistan, and so forth. Conservatives should not take this infighting amongst Democrats as a sign the political landscape is changing. Remember, the far left will vote for Obama again in 2012 regardless if he accomplishes the perceived goals of the far left or not.

ObamaCare – Democratic Senators are working feverishly behind closed doors to combine health care proposals. Democratic Senate Leader, Harry Reid, claims the public option will be in the final legislation despite having it cut from the Senate Finance Committee’s proposal. The caveat is that the states can decline to implement the public option. The nearly 2000 page, 1 trillion dollar House bill was released and people are still trying to comprehend the taxes and cuts that will pay for the bill.

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