Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Obama's Lowlights (4/2/10)

Obama promised not to raise taxes on middle class Americans, here is a list of new taxes that will be instituted to pay for ObamaCare:

•An increased tax on “Cadillac Insurance Plans”, except for of course union members who get a sweetheart deal.
•A new tax will be imposed on people with self-insured healthcare plans.
•A 2.9% tax will be enforced on any medical devices, such as pacemakers. This cost will be passed onto the patients.
•The IRS deduction on medical expenses will be raised from 7.5% of a person’s income to 10%.
•A new tax on pharmaceutical manufactures will be introduced.
•New taxes will be enforced on any healthcare savings accounts that people use to pay for healthcare costs using this pre tax method.
•Taxes will be increased on capital gains and dividend income. Naïve liberals think only the wealthy have these types of incomes.
•Medicare taxes will be raised on self employment income and wages. The cap on these taxes will be raised by 8%.
•Anyone who refuses to buy health insurance will be fined up to 2.5% of their income. Employers who refuse to provide insurance to employees will be fined up 2,000 dollars per employee.
•A new tax will be enforced on any “for profit” health insurance companies.
•There will be a 10% tax added to any tanning salon businesses. This is actually the only tax that makes any sense.
ObamaCare – The Associated Press reported that ObamaCare does not cover preexisting conditions for children. Since covering preexisting conditions for all Americans was the main purpose behind ObamaCare, this only shows how bad this bill is and how incompetent liberal leaders are. Also, even the NY Times says that the passing of ObamaCare will hurt already struggling state governments that are billions in debt. Many Fortune 500 companies are also coming forward with projections of how much the new ObamaCare legislation will cost them in additional healthcare expenditures.

ObamaCare Exemption – Democrats voted against an amendment so they will be exempt from having to buy insurance from the ObamaCare plan. That should make us all feel great that ObamaCare is good for the commoner, but not for the Washington bureaucrats.

VAT – Media outlets are reporting that a Value Added Tax (VAT), which is a national sales tax, will most likely have to be implemented on all Americans to pay for ObamaCare and to fund other entitlement programs that are going bankrupt. Let’s hope this many years away from being implemented.

Consumer Lending - Last year, consumer lending shrank by nearly 5% despite all the bailout money that banks received from the taxpayer funded TARP program.

Unemployment - The unemployment rate for February was 9.7%. Interestingly, the unemployment rate for college graduates was 5% while the unemployment rate for high school drop outs was above 15%. The point is that Obama needs to be focusing on education reform more than healthcare reform.

Bart Stupak – The Michigan Congressman, who is a prolife liberal, was not going to vote for ObamaCare because he wanted strong language in the bill to prevent government funded abortions. Obama gave Stupak an executive order as a compromise to get his vote. Executive orders are not legally binding, but Stupak switched his vote. Later, it was discovered Stupak’s district is going to receive funding to improve airports. He too was bought off.

ACORN – They are ceasing their operation this week. Or at least that is what they want us to think. ACORN will splinter and rebrand under new names.

Violence – Liberals are gloating and being arrogant over the passing of ObamaCare. They are obviously trying to provoke conservatives to retaliate. Violence is never the answer to any problem. Conservatives should not stoop to the level of these sore winning progressives. It is not constructive. Meanwhile, Democrats and the liberal media will make a big issue out of these threats to detract Americans from the real issues with their agenda.

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