Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Obama's Lowlights (11/28/09)

Polls – The Democrats are still in denial, but early polls for the 2010 midterm elections show that independents are starting to lean right. Five term Senator Chris Dodd is in danger in a very liberal state. Democratic Governors in blue leaning states such as Iowa and Colorado are also in trouble. A lot can change over the course of the year, but if ObamaCare and cap and trade pass, it could spell doom for the liberals in 2010. This is especially true for liberals that are in red leaning districts and states.

Unions – Boeing has finally wised up and is moving the manufacturing of its 787 model from Seattle to Charleston. In Charleston, Boeing will not have to put up with Unions striking and squeezing the company into bankruptcy with their unrealistic demands.

Afghanistan – Another week and still no decision on a strategy that our troops desperately need. This is absurd and inexcusable behavior from our supposed Commander-In-Chief.

ObamaCare – Another government panel is trying to change the guidelines on cervical cancer saying women do not have to be checked yearly. This comes a week after a similar panel relaxed guidelines on breast cancer. This may not be part of ObamaCare, but it is coming from the Human Health Services branch of our government. This is the start of health care rationing that ObamaCare will magnify. Both the Senate and House proposed bills are a combined 4000 pages and nearly 2 trillion dollars of spending. We are now doomed since both bills have passed their respective houses, and it is probably unlikely that the Republicans can do anything to stop it from becoming law since the combined bill will only need 50 votes in the Senate to pass if they use the reconciliation option. Debate over the worst bill in the Senate will begin after Thanksgiving.

Obama’s Asia Trip – This trip ended without any sustenance being agreed upon. Obama brown nosed up to China leaders by bowing and using a soft voice, but what did he get in return for political correctness? Nothing! They chided his pleas for support on global warming, human rights, internet rights, currency questions, trade, and sanctions on Iran and North Korea. Since China literally owns the U.S. debt (nearing 1 trillion in treasury bonds), Obama has no leverage. It was a wasted trip that only made Obama look weaker.

Global Warming – A hacker got into the records at the Climate Research Unit at Anglia University in the U.K. and uncovered damning emails talking about ways to get around the current global cooling trend. In essence, they have been falsifying their findings for political purposes.

Debt Limit – Congress defines an imaginary limit that our deficit cannot go beyond. Currently, it is at 12.1 trillion dollars and Obama is asking Pelosi to raise the limit to 13.1 to 13.6 trillion dollars. This is the second time this year that Obama has asked the limit to be raise. It was previously raised from 11.3 to 12.1 trillion dollars to accommodate the Recovery Act. Why do we create these comical limits if they can be ignored and changed time and time again?

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