Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Obama's Lowlights (5/29/10)

The Economy – More good news for Obama as all economic indicators are all pointing in the right direction for a recovery. This is a natural cycle of the economy and it will recover despite all the harmful legislation passed by the Obama administration.

Healthy Choice Act – This is legislation that Democrats are introducing in the house. It seems to be an extension to the Michelle Obama program to fight childhood obesity. Under this Act, states will have to track the body mass index of children. Personally, I think it is a good idea even though it goes against conservative principles of having the federal government involved in our daily lives. Obesity is a major problem costing us billions annually, so something needs to be done. Maybe this is not the best approach, but if it works to lower our healthcare costs, it would be worth it.

Energy – Here is the breakdown of the cost per kilowatt hour for energy sources – coal, 6.4 cents; natural gas, 7.3 cents; nuclear, 7.3 cents; wind, 9.3 cents; solar, 17.5 cents.

Greece – Their government may sue U.S. financial institutions for their role in the recent recession that they claim has caused them to go bankrupt. If this is the case, we should stop funding their bailout. The recent recession only accelerated the inevitable outcome for Greece’s economy. They should take responsibility and fix the mess instead of blaming others and continuing with the status quo.

Obama Apology – The latest global Obama administration apology has been given to China. Obama’s White House is apologizing for Arizona’s new immigration law, which they claim violates human rights. This is an absurd analogy since China is one of biggest global violators of human rights killing millions of its citizens.

Richard Blumenthal – The Connecticut Democratic Senate candidate, who is up over 20 points in the polls, was caught lying about his tenure in Vietnam – He never served.

ObamaCare – One of the side effects of this pitiful legislation is that doctors are opting out of accepting Medicare patients at an alarming rate. The legislation also fails to help most small businesses with less than 25 employees since they are not receiving any tax rebates to help pay for healthcare insurance for its employees.

Elections – Good news for Democrats, Representative Mark Souder from Indiana has resigned. Souder is another in a long list of politicians who have cheated on their spouses. At least Souder had the decency to resign. In other news, Charles Djou wins the seat in Hawaii’s second district for the GOP. But most believe he will not be able to hold it come November.

Newsweek – The magazine is up for sale as it continues to lose money. Here’s a thought, maybe if they moved to a centrist ideology they may generate more sales.

Illegal Immigration – Mexican President Calderon has been very outspoken against the Arizona Immigration law. However, Calderon is a hypocrite because Mexico has much harsher immigration laws. Besides, Calderon and his government have failed the people that are fleeing Mexico. In other news, Obama has finally come to his senses and will send troops to the Arizona border.

Terrorists – Homeland Security advisor, John Brennan, has started to negotiate with Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon. I suppose the United States’ view to NEVER negotiate with terrorists is no longer an unwritten law.

Financial Reform – Democrats finally got the 60 votes they needed to end the debate on legislation to regulate Wall Street. This reform favors the big financial industries while it neglects smaller firms.

Oil Spill – The oil leak in the Gulf is still spewing, and Obama takes full responsibility. Elizabeth Birnbaum, the head of the Mineral Management Services department was fired and it the first fall person for this accident.

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