Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Obama's Lowlights (10/17/12)

Gas Prices - Californians awoke last week to yet another unprecedented spike in the price of gasoline that brought the one-week increase in the Golden State to a whopping 36 cents a gallon. This is an all-time high for California.

Election Fraud - The Florida Department of State on Friday confirmed that it has forwarded complaints about voter registration fraud that have been filed against the Democrats, as well as against two groups — the Florida New Majority Education Fund and National Council of La Raza/Democracia USA.

Health Insurance – It is estimated the average person is going to see a 19% hike in premiums as companies adjust for the implementation of ObamaCare.

Campaign – Obama and the Democrats raised 181 million in September and Obama is outspending Romney 2 to 1 in swing states. Obama continues to hit campaign events with Hollywood elites to reach his 1 billion dollar goal. In other news, a new report obtained by Townhall from the non-partisan Government Accountability Institute [GAI] shows the Obama campaign has potentially violated federal election law by failing to prevent the use of fraudulent or foreign credit card transactions on the official Obama for America [OFA] donation webpage. There are rumblings that there may be a shakeup in the Obama campaign. Finally, Obama’s big election ad this week features Big Bird.

Obama phone - A wireless company profiting from the so-called "Obama phone" giveaway program is run by a prominent Democratic donor whose wife has raised more than $1.5 million for the president since 2007.

Venezuela – Hugo Chavez won reelection for his third six year term.

Libya - The former head of a Special Forces "Site Security Team" in Libya tells CBS News that in spite of multiple pleas from himself and other U.S. security officials on the ground for "more, not less" security personnel, the State Department removed as many as 34 people from the country in the six months before a terrorist attack in Benghazi that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others.

Foreign Policy – Romney delivered a speech on foreign policy this past week at Virginia Military Institute which offered a sharp contrast to Obama’s current Middle East policy which has seen anti-American protests and unrest rise under his tenure.

NY City – Police sent a family a bill for the damage their son did to a police vehicle when it ran him over and killed him.

Congress - According to a new report in The Washington Post, the median net worth of the current Congress rose 5% during the recession while it fell 39% for the average American. The wealthiest one-third of lawmakers saw their net worth rise 14%.

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