Sunday, September 9, 2012

Obama's Lowlights (9/10/12)

Fracking - Based on a study of the effects of fracking, forest officials in Wayne National Forest will permit energy firms to extract oil from the park using the technique.

Yahoo News – During the RNC (which Hurricane Issac was hitting Gulf Coast at the same time) Yahoo News reported “They (Republicans) aren’t concerned at all,” said Yahoo News. “They are happy to have a party when black people drown.” Meanwhile, Obama campaigned in Virginia and answered questions online as the Isaac pummeled the Gulf Coast. What got lost in all the campaigning and race baiting: Jesse Shaffer, 25, and his father, also named Jesse Shaffer, 53, both of Braithwaite, La., stayed behind in their town after Isaac hit to rescue 120 of their friends when ocean waters breached levees. Meanwhile, Romney and Ryan visited the ravished Gulf Coast three days before Obama.

MSNBC – The liberal news network did not cover many RNC speeches made by minorities.

Race – Politico turned Ann Romney’s speech into more race baiting. Ann Romney said “And let's be honest. If the last four years had been more successful, do we really think there would be this attack on Mitt Romney's success?” Politico responded “And let's be honest. If the last four years had been more successful, do we really think there would be this focus on race?”

Gas Mileage - After a year of negotiation, the White House finally reached a formal agreement with automakers and unions to raise the Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) to a minimum 54.5 mpg by 2025. It is easy to set goals to problems you do not have to find solutions. The bottom line is that cars will be less safe.

RNC – A Washington Post poll found that people who watched the RNC on TV had a much more favorable view of the event than those that did not watch it – those who got their news from biased sources.

Voter ID - A federal court on Thursday blocked Texas from enforcing a strict new voter identification law, ruling that the state had failed to prove that the mandate would not disproportionately suppress turnout among eligible voters who are members of minority groups. I do not understand what race has to do with any decision about trying to combat voter fraud.

Code Pink - Medea Benjamin is the leader of the women's peace and justice group Code Pink. At the RNC the group dressed up as a female sex organs and paraded themselves down the street. Why would they do this? Because Code Pink believes this is a way to gain respect for women.

Wages - A majority of the new jobs added during the recovery have been low paying, according to a new report from the National Employment Law Project.

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