Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Obama's Lowlights (8/2/12)

Death Tax - On January 1, the death tax is set to climb to as high as 55 percent — among the highest rates in the world — with the amount exempted from tax dropping to just $1 million.

ObamaCare - Senate majority leader Harry Reid (D-NV) pledged to block conservative efforts to vote on the repeal of Obamacare and to block the Obama tax hikes. 

FDA - The FDA said that baby bottles and children’s drinking cups could no longer contain the chemical bisphenol A, or BPA. Its decision was a response to a request by the American Chemistry Council urging that BPA in those products be phased out, in part to boost consumer confidence. 

Gun Control – It did not take long after the Colorado massacre for those on the left to call for gun control. But the call for gun control backfires since background checks for people wanting to buy guns in Colorado reportedly increased more than 41 percent after last week’s Aurora movie massacre. Even Mexico got in the act, lecturing the U.S. on guns (yes, the same country that has tens of thousands of people die each year from guns): "Because of the Aurora, Colorado tragedy, the American Congress must review its mistaken legislation on guns. It's doing damage to us all," Mexican President Calderon said. NY City Mayor Bloomberg got into the debate by saying police officers should not protect Americans until gun control is enacted.

Fundraising – We hear all this talk that Romney is outspending Obama. President Obama spent $58 million in June and still has almost $100 million on hand for more. Romney? He spent a paltry (by comparison) $33 million, and only has $22.5 million left to spend. In other news, Obama’s 185 fundraising event was with 60 of his wealthiest supporters in San Francisco, including two figures at the center of the Solyndra loan controversy.

Obama Enemy List – Top contributors to the Romney campaign are facing IRS and Department of Labor audits of their taxes and workplace.

Chick-Fil-A – Boston Mayor (Thomas Menino) had this to say about the company who has been donating money to pro family organizations: “Chick-Fil-A doesn’t belong in Boston. You can’t have a business in the city of Boston that discriminates against a population. We’re an open city; we’re a city that’s at the forefront of inclusion.” What’s worse, the supposedly anti-gay comments made by Chick-Fil-A President Dan Cathy as reported by MSM never happened. MSM made it up.

Tax Fairness - A new report just out from the Internal Revenue Service reveals that 36 of President Obama's executive office staff owe the country $833,970 in back taxes. But the White House expects to increase taxes on the wealthy.

Border Security - Two Seattle men say they spent more than two hours in a detention center at the Canadian border after U.S. border agents discovered illegal chocolate eggs in their car.

US Forest Service - The City of Tombstone is squaring off against the U.S. Forest Service over water rights in a fight to rescue “The Town Too Tough to Die.” Citing the Wilderness Act, the Forest Service is refusing to allow the city to repair its waterlines to mountain springs it has owned for nearly seventy years – and which date back to the 1880s. This refusal is threatening residents, private property and public safety with the risk of a total loss of fire protection and safe drinking water.

Budget and Deficit – It has been over 1100 days since Congress passed a budget and our deficit, for the fifth straight year, has gone over 1 trillion dollars.

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