Monday, May 28, 2012

Obama's Lowlights (5/28/12)

Greece - Greece may be forced to leave the euro-zone if the country refuses to implement spending cuts to get its budget deficit under control. In other news, Greeks withdrew almost $900 million from banks in a single day out of fears that their currency will be rapidly devalued if Greece leaves the euro and returns to the drachma. The country is in a continued political vacuum following an inconclusive election earlier this month.

Iran - Iran and the United Nations’ International Atomic Energy Agency began their second day of talks over suspicions that Tehran might have tested atomic weapons technology. The UN has been unable to gain access to Iranian facilities thought to be used for its nuclear program.

Bigotry – Obama called Americans bigots on the view when explaining why his reelection bid is close "When your name is Barack Obama, it [election]'s always tight".

Obama Budget – After the House rejected his budget 414-0, the Senate followed suit – 99-0.

Wisconsin - A quarterly report released today by the Department of Workforce Development (DWD) shows Wisconsin created 23,321 jobs in 2011. Wisconsin employers have now put more than 33,521 people back to work so far under Governor Walker’s leadership.

Debt Ceiling – Democrat House (Clyburn) and Senate (Boxer) leaders stated this past week they do not see any reason to have a debt ceiling limit at all.

Crime - Puzzling break-ins over the last month at the offices of at least three House members and several committees have U.S. Capitol Police gumshoes working to find a pattern and the culprits, with missing items ranging from cash and expensive computer equipment to autographed baseballs and alcohol.

Maryland - In Maryland, more than 300,000 residents earning more than $100,000 a year will pay higher income taxes to fund record spending. Compare the state’s new 8.95 percent rate with neighboring Virginia’s 5.75 percent top rate.

Post Office - At a news briefing, Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe said the agency's mail processing network had simply become too big, given declining first-class mail volume and mounting debt. It will now consolidate nearly 250 plants as originally proposed, including 48 this summer, but will stretch out the remainder over a longer time frame in 2013 and 2014.

Elizabeth Warren - Two of the possibly plagiarized recipes by Elizabeth Warren, said in the Pow Wow Chow cookbook to have been passed down through generations of Oklahoma Native American members of the Cherokee tribe, are described in a New York Times News Service story as originating at Le Pavilion, a fabulously expensive French restaurant in Manhattan.

Boston - City Hall bureaucrats, “executive assistants” and other pencil-pushers enjoy free commutes from as far away as Falmouth and Nahant in taxpayer-funded city cars — including many who get sleek sedans as nothing more than a lucrative job perk, a Herald review found.

Campaigns – RNCC out raised the DNCC in April and Romney raised nearly as much money as Obama did in April.

California - Davis High School has been fined $15,000 after they were caught selling soda pop during lunch hour, which is a violation of federal law.

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