Thursday, January 19, 2012

Obama's Lowlights (1/19/12)

Iran – The AP Reports “Iran has begun uranium enrichment at a new underground site well protected from possible airstrikes.”

Housing Market - New York Fed President William C. Dudley said in New Jersey yesterday that “additional housing policy interventions” can help boost growth.

The Obamas – NY Times’ Jodi Kantor’s new book about the first family (The Obamas) wrote "[staff] wondered: was the president using his wife to convey what he felt?" Also, "White House officials were so nervous about how a splashy, Hollywood-esque party would look to jobless Americans — or their representatives in Congress, who would soon vote on health care — that the event was not discussed publicly and Burton's and Depp's contributions went unacknowledged," Kantor writes.

Chuck Schumer – The NY senator has blamed a rash of pharmacy robberies and murders on pain killers and not the criminals themselves.

Pelosi – The House Minority Leader is encouraging Obama to focus his campaign on a “Do-nothing Congress”.

Solyndra - Speaking on "Fox News Sunday," this past week Wasserman Schultz said the president wasn't the CEO of Solyndra and therefore, has no responsibility for the job losses even though the administration poured over 500 million dollars into the defunct company.

Fast and Furious - ATF Deputy Director Tom Brandon has suspended ATF Assistant Director of the Office of Professional Responsibility and Security Operations Bill McMahon, ATF Acting Deputy Director Billy Hoover and ATF Assistant Director in Charge of Field Operations Mark Chait until further notice from their cushy ATF management positions as the investigation into Operation Fast and Furious, of which McMahon, Hoover and Chait were heavily involved in.

William Daley – The White House Chief of Staff is stepping down at the end of the month and being replaced by budget director Jack Lew. Daley has only been on the job for a year. And let’s not forget the pork barrel spending budget proposal submitted by Obama and Lew last year which was shot down in the Senate 98 – 0?

Debt and GDP - The amount of money the federal government owes to its creditors, combined with IOUs to government retirement and other programs, now tops $15.23 trillion. That's roughly equal to the value of all goods and services the U.S. economy produces in one year: $15.17 trillion as of September, the latest estimate. Private projections show the economy likely grew to about $15.3 trillion by December — a level the debt is likely to surpass this month.

Big Brother - Under the National Operations Center (NOC)’s Media Monitoring Initiative that came out of DHS headquarters in November, Washington has the written permission to retain data on users of social media and online networking platforms.

Fidel Castro – Nobody really cares what Castro thinks, but thought it was funny that he thought a robot would be better than Obama as president.

Domestic Policy Council – Obama appointed immigration amnesty / open borders proponent Cecilia Munoz to control domestic policy.

Van Jones – He declared Martin Luther King as the original “Occupier”. We are so fortunate to have such a great history teacher in Van Jones at our disposal.

Texas Pro Life - A federal court has upheld the requirement that doctors give women an ultrasound before performing an abortion.

My Book: Is America Dying? (, Barnes and Noble)

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